You're next, Postal Carrier who comes to my house

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Suddenly, our perpetual lack of mail delivery on Friday and Saturday becomes clear....

"That's right, mother fucker. Just try to deliver mail to this house. I will FUCK YOU UP."

And all along we just thought it was an odd Canadian "thing" - our crappy mail delivery.

(seriously - you Americans have no idea how good you have it with the postal service in the States... I may have actually been cursed by a Canada Post employee last time I attempted to buy stamps - and I'm not kidding. We get mail delivery MAYBE Four days a week)

8 Baleful Regards:

cindylou said...

I love your cat, too frekaing hysterical. How does Vlad like the cat?

Anonymous said...

I think the cat IS Vlad.

Karen Bodkin said...

My mailman is SUCH an asshole. He purposely tries to make the dog bark, he is nosey about what is in my mail, and I'm POSITIVE he dumps Friday's mail and delivers it all on Mondays.

Seriously, Americans have no idea how good they have it.

Anonymous said...

So are you just keeping her shaved and coifed like a toy poodle all the time now? I love it.

Anonymous said...

I love how it takes Canada Post 10 business days for a piece of mail to travel 20 km. Drives me insane.

Mitzi Green said...

more shaved cat pics! i rely on them when i'm having a bad day!

Anonymous said...

You should SO add a caption to that picture and post it at the "I Can Has Cheezburger?" site!!! It would be a MAJOR hit!!!

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, very interesting.

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