Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Thursday, September 24, 2009
If I have to have one more discussion about vaginal mucous and its consistency, frequency, color or texture I may have to kill myself.
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This b*tch has fabulous ankles. Still.
13 Baleful Regards:
Oh, the things I get to look forward to!
Oh Nancy - you have no idea. I get ambushed with this at 7:50 a.m. - who has the wherewithal to discuss this at 7:50 AM? I can't even find my glasses, let alone have this discussion.
Oh, my. I'm one year behind you and just had the "why do I have a tender lump under my nipple?" conversation. We pulled out the body book I bought last spring and decided "normal." But I don't think that book says much about vaginal secretions. Is Emily planning to use the rhythm method?
AAAAHHHHHHHHH! She better be using no method, and writing that just made my eyeballs bleed.
I forgot to say, your post title was running through my head for several days after the nipple incident. Aaaaaah. Creepy song.
All I can say is that my mum and dad never had to go through that with me. I honestly don't know what they would have done if I had come 7:50am....and asked about vaginal secretions. Lol, my dad probably would've had a heartattack and my mum would've said I never had that when I was growing up dear, I'm sure it's nothing.
Lol...poor Dawn.
Loural :)
Dude, times they are a changin'. When I was Em's age there is no WAY I would have discussed any of this in detail with my mother. I was embarrassed beyond belief even just telling her when I started my period.
And my mother taught Women's Studies! So you can bet my sister and I had received The Talk about Loving and Respecting Our Bodies and Being Open About Our Journey to Womynhood on numerous occasions.
It's a good thing, really, though, that kids feel so comfortable talking about their bodies now. Right? Right?
Not that I'll have to deal with it since I have a boy and have instructed him to approach his father with any burning questions about equipment I lack.
Jesus wept, I am SO not looking forward to this type of thing... My eldest is currently nearly 8 and she is already studying reproduction at school. I feel the questions are imminent...
And, like Jaelithe, I have no past experience on which to base this future (dreaded) conversation as my mother NEVER talked about any of this, just once (very discreetly) leaving a leaflet in my room with a pack of napkins "just in case". And I was utterly mortified when I had to tell her I was having my first period.
Maybe I should start practising now...
Good GOD.
I have nothing else to day about that.
Lol...I just have to add on to my comment now.
When I got mine I had no idea what was going on. I went through all of my undies and then my sister who was 2 years older but hadn't gotten hers yet was all Oh that's just your period and you can borrow some of mine while you wash yours. I had that damn washing machine going all day until my dad asked my sister why I was doing so much laundry. She, very nonchalantly, replied Oh Loural got her period. He went and grabbed a pack of napkins out of the storage room, where mom had bought and stored them..just in case, came and handed them to me and said You'll need these. If I could've died of mortification I would've. And to make matters worse they were the huge "old lady" ones so I looked like I was wearing a diaper....SO EMBARRASING!
Glad I don't have children yet :)
Geesh. Times have changed. My parents didn't discuss ANY of that stuff with me.
In fact, for the longest time, I thought my mom had high blood pressure. She didn't want to explain to me that they were birth control pills. And I was in 5th grade!!
Oh goodness....
I dread that day, but it's right around the corner..
And here I was dreading the shaving your legs debate and wondering when she would ask about it. When I was growing up that was a real debate ..between my grandmother and I got to hear even after I left home lol. I'm afraid I won't be much help to my daughter w/ the scretions question as I rarely pay it that much attention. Thankyou for writing this blog as it gives me time to prepare a bit as my daughter is just a year and a half younger and I can fortify myself for those future moments lol.
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