The beauty of turning 37

Sunday, May 06, 2007

is that you can afford to buy and wear these shoes ( hereafter lovingly known as the French whore shoes)

and honestly not give a rats ass, because these are beautiful shoes. Sure I have more gray hair than ever, and my belly roll is a bit more stubborn than I would like. And Yes, I now have a skin care "regime" which involves toner and creams and special "royal jelly" for my under eye skin.

But - when you get out of your car in Montreal and a truck driver AND a cab driver stop so you can cross mid street while you are wearing these shoes?

Your late 30's hotness is assured. The mojo may be a bit older, but it isn't gone.

20 Baleful Regards:

Never That Easy said...

Those are definitely some "wow" shoes... I don't see any reason why, with those shoes, 37 couldn't be as hot as it wanted to be.

Anonymous said...


That's me wiping the drool off my chin. Those shoes are HOTT.

And, so are you. Happy birthday, my Taurus sister.

Anonymous said... Those are fabulous shoes!

Anonymous said...

hmmm, My 37 year old feet need me some of them shoes!

SUEB0B said...

Shake it if you got it, that's what I say.

mamatulip said...

Those shoes are BOSS.

Ash said...

Most awesome heels. EVER.

(I'm trying very hard to keep my raging jealousy in check right now)

(Dude, Raaaaaaaaaging.)

(could be those damnable pregnancy hormones too)


Woman with Kids said...

LOVE those shoes. They are pure hotness. Instant MILF!... you know, in a girl crush, I love your shoes, kinda way.

Mitzi Green said...

those. are. so. HOT!!!! DAYum, i wants me some of those!!!!

Fraulein N said...

They are so Not Me, but I can't help wanting some French whore shoes. They are Teh Sexay!

Dinosaur Mom said...

When I wear French whore shoes on my size 13s I look like I'm a man in drag. It is to weep.

Anonymous said...

After seeing those shoes, I'm going to need a moment alone.

Mignon said...

What do you wear with those? Nothing?

Anonymous said...

Damn, woman, those shoes are hott!

Lisa said...

I'm not a big shoe person but DAMN, I LOVES DEM SHOES!

E. said...

Yep, they're definitely hot. Though I can't wear shoes like that for more than about 15 mintutes. But you can, so you work it!

Anonymous said...

BOOYAH. Yep, very hott. also, SHOES are the future, not kids, SHOES.

Happy Birthday!

Bobita said...

Very, very hot.

Lauren said...

Awesome. Want. Where to buy?
Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

You do 37 well, my friend.

Happy Birthday from your slightly older friend (I turn 38 in November...)

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