These Boots were made for Walkin'

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Today we were in Burlington. And we drove by a shoe store in the church street market.

And I saw them.

And I knew they had to be mine....

Fuck you, Winter. I have my Spring Rain Boots.

And they are as bad ass as me.

P.S. They are Chooka Boots, and my next pair....Love Hurts

16 Baleful Regards:

The Jewel said...

Long time subscriber, first time commenter.

Those ARE some badass boots, Dawn. Two hearty thumbs up. ;)

- Amber

Her Bad Mother said...

Okay, DUDE? Those boots rock. I am so jealous and I've even got kickin' rubber boots. YOURS ARE BETTER.

And? You were near-ish Toronto and I didn't know. WAH.

Anonymous said...

I am seriously jealous.

Lori said...

VERY cute!

SUEB0B said...

You are a rockstar.

Anonymous said...

Can't. Breathe. Must. Have. Those. Boots.

Anonymous said...

Which store!? As I'll be travelling to Essex about every other month now (to pick up step-daughters to visit their father during school vacations), a quick side trip to Burlington to peruse the rest of said store's inventory might be in order!!

Anonymous said...

I must have those. I've been shopping for rainboots and everything. Who makes them?

Lauren said...

I have a similar pair - with little skull and crossbones all over. Best $20 I ever spent! They make you want to stomp in puddles.

Mitzi Green said...

my god, woman--those are HIDEOUS.

they'd be smashing with my hot-pink vinyl stripper raincoat.

That Chick Over There said...

I love them. LOVE THEM.

Anonymous said...

They rock. Hard. Just like you, girl.

Anonymous said...

I've always coveted a pair of galoshes even though I don't really need them now. But I'll be honest. My imagination never really ran past the run of the mill yellow variety. Those are kick ass.

flutter said...

Those are badass.

Anonymous said...

I neeeeeeeeeeed boots. Those are the coolest ones I've seen yet.

Anonymous said...

Very cool boots. I want them. Why do I not own a cool pair of rain boots? I live in OREGON!

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