Emily Damali

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank you for choosing me Emily.  Thank you for loving me when I was not loveable, for keeping me as your mother when I didn't want to be kept.

Thank you for being a joyful child, even when your mother could not be joyful.

We muddle through, the best we can, together. Usually laughing at something your father does not find funny.

I love you more than you can know - far more than I can tell you. And while I know that the upcoming years are going to be challenging, I think we can do it. 

Love you ,Schmoopa.  Happy 12th birthday.

5 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

The last face reminds me of you.

Happy Birthday, Mama and Beautiful Girl. XO

Anonymous said...

Loved this. Happy Birthday Emily!

Bobbie Sue said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful, brilliant, sparkling daughter.

How does your Schmoopa feel about younger men? Because I know a 9.5 year-old...

roo said...

Madge beat me to it re the last photo-- she does look like you.

Happy Birthday, Emily!

Dawn said...

It's the baleful regard, Ladies. I have passed it on successfully.

And Bobbie Sue - Emily has just learned what Testicles DO...so she is pretty grossed out by the male humans right now. I give her a year or so before boy-crazy settle back in...

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