Something you will see after taking several hits of acid, a couple of bowls of good Thai and drinking profusely....
Look hard, cause you ain't gonna see this in real life, folks.

(This was at least 2 years ago, during my graduate cohort. See how friendly and helpful I look?)
14 Baleful Regards:
Did your Grad program actually make you do the vacuuming, or are you just being helpful? You look so...peppy :)
You aren't fooling me. You're bent over slightly because you're going to grab the vacuum attachment and hurl it at the person behind the camera.
that's only slightly less scary than an image of me in an apron holding a cookbook and standing in front of the stove.
Missed a spot.
You need closed-toed shoes to vacuum or you could really injure yourself. Oh...wait...maybe that's just for mowing. As you were.
I don't know, Dawn, I always pictured you as a Dyson kind of girl.
I knew you were just hiding your inner domestic goddess.
Haaa, I am lame because all I can think is that I want that vacuum. You should see the piece of shit they made me vacuum with at my first post-high school job.
I can't think of anything really great to say because i am laughing at all the other comments, but rest assured the day someone gets a pic of me doing the same, Donnie's 4 horsemen of the Apocolypse will be riding down the road...
I love that look on your face.... Teeheee.
The only thing that could improve this picture would be someone sitting in one of those chairs reading, with their legs lifted as you vacuum beneath.
Do you mean you vacuuming, or you wearing that really bad bra?
But really, why are you doing that?? Did someone make you vacuum after a meeting? No wonder you look like you're going to spray machine gun fire with that thing.
You're not fooling anybody. I know that vacuum canister was filled with tequila.
God your are gorgeous....
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