Last Syrah

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

After drinking too much wine on Saturday night, I found myself in the requisite pose.

At which point I thought:

"I really need to clean this toilet"

Nothing like too much wine to point out your shitty housekeeping skillz.

8 Baleful Regards:

Woman with Kids said...

Oh, and that's the worst time to realize it too... You alternate between "Please, just kill me now" and "Ew. This toilet is disgusting. Have those boys never learned to aim?"

Anonymous said...

I've been there. It is an ugly place.

Then I slept on the bathroom floor.

Anonymous said...

Of course, if you had just recently cleaned it, you would be bitching that you had just cleaned this dang thing, and now you are going to have to do it again. So just think about how much time you saved. :)

Anonymous said...

As long as you didn't throw up on the cat, all is good. How is the cat, btw? We miss her! Has her fur grown in yet?

SUEB0B said...

Just what you need at a time like that - something to make your queasiness WORSE.

Anonymous said...

Although, for those who resist the cathartic-ness of vomiting, the inside of a grody toilet will provide adequate inspiration.

Jamie said...

This made me laugh...recently, I had the flu, I was laying on the bathroom floor after heaving, and the same thought crossed my mind...I need to clean this carpet! Thanks for the chuckle!

Bobita said...

Once, (and ONLY once...HA HA) I had the same revelation, accompanied by the revelation that now I had to clean the floor, too. And the wall. And that white hand-towel. And the fuzzy pink slippers I was wearing at the time. (Which still have traces of that particular 2003 Cabernet-Revelation. Heh.)

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