What I found in my kitchen

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Do you know what that is? Neither did I.

Apparently my husband has wrapped all the fruit in newspaper.

To which I can only shrug and say, "If you insist...."

My husband is weird.

10 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Um...did he say why???

Is it some secret to keeping it fresh longer or something???

Girlplustwo said...

sister, i so love that you are writing again.

Woman with Kids said...

...wrapped the fruit in newspaper... So that it's well read? To hasten ripening? To play the kids version of hide the banana?

I'm stumped.

Mitzi Green said...

i don't get it. but i wouldn't want to have to wash my hands of newsprint every time i wanted to eat an orange.

velocibadgergirl said...

Wow. That's...interesting?

mamatulip said...


Did he tell you WHY?

Her Bad Mother said...

Another vote here for WHY???

SUEB0B said...

You wouldn't want to leave fruit lying around all naked for everyone to see, would you??

Dawn said...

Apparently, he read some article somewhere that wrapping the fruit will allow it to ripen ( which is ludicrous as these are apples) and he has a theory that it will keep fruit flies and bad smells away.

This is also ludicrous, as we have had no fruit fies.

Yesterday, I found my tomatos in a LOccitane bag.

a happier girl said...

My husband is paranoid about flies too. He's currently insisting on storing the bananas in the fridge and does not understand why a week later they still haven't ripened and no one wants to eat them.

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