One of the lesser known effects of gender bias

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday Morning - I am in the shower.

Emily enters the bathroom and begins to brush her teeth.

Emily: "Mama. I think I have gender bias."

Me: "What? What did you say?"

Emily: "Gender Bias. I think I have it."

Me: "Why do you think you have gender bias?"

Emily: "Cause when I brush my teeth, I can see a little blood on my gums."

Dawn: "That's Gingivitis, honey - not gender bias... Although both are pretty insidious."

Someone is clearly listening as her parents watch the Sunday morning political shows....

9 Baleful Regards:

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

And which of the two disorders would upset you more in a child?

Madeleine said...

I think that is the loudest I have ever LOL'd.

If only we could root out gender bias by flossing.

Anonymous said...

I just love it!!! I love when kids say things like that - out of complete innocence. Yesterday my six year old told me we had to be careful of ticks because we might LEMON disease. I almost choked.

Lisa said...

Oh that is SO funny. Who would have thunk a quick trip to the dentist could help gender bias?

velocibadgergirl said...

BWA! I adore your child :D

Jaelithe said...


In this weeks Kids Say the Darndest Things contest, I concede.

Fraulein N said...

Hee hee. That's so cute!

Suburban Gorgon said...

Did you just laugh your ass off? That is hilarious!

Mitzi Green said...

that is frickin' hilarious.

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