
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So far these are the discussions I have had to have with my daughter post visiting MY mother.

1. Suicide.

Apparently my mother shared that a "good friend" of hers committed suicide recently because she was depressed. Apparently this "good friend" was 16...and a neighbors child.

2. Online Dating

My mother shared her "profile" with my daughter. Including a picture of herself walking into a sunset. Emily reports that she also saw pictures of "the boys" that my mother is "good friends" with.

Oh. My. Head.

10 Baleful Regards:

Fraulein N said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Sometime, not too far in the future, I bet you hear this from your daughter, "Mom, I love Grandma, but I think I might understand how you guys don't see eye to eye."

Dawn said...


As I just said to Terrance ( who has to endure my ranting) "I can't even believe I would have to explain to another adult why this wouldn't be appropriate to discuss with a ten year old..."

And therein lies the gap - I have become exhausted by parenting my mother. It has taken 38 years, but she finally wore me out.

Goddess of Madness said...

Oh how do I feel for you... My mother "Why would I want to go to Ireland it's fully of dirty Irish" In front of my 4 year old no less...

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. Enjoy that damage control.

Mitzi Green said...

egad. that makes MY head hurt.

jeanie said...

See, I have a 9 year old who has had t deal with the concept of suicide since she was 2 - and she is the one who once suggested I do online dating when she was 6 - so the content is something a child can handle if handled by the right methods.

I can sure understand you being upset at being sideswiped by your mother like that. Like unexploded mines.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are able to survive in this world after being raised the way you were. Keep up the good work of caring and nuturing your child and husband.

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