Bits and Bobs

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh!  Hi there.

So apparently some foolhardy soul nominated me for top 25 canadian mom blogs.

Which is uber kind, considering I am not really Canadian ( but will happily accept the moniker given I do my best to blend in around here) and that I am - on the best of days - kind of a mediocre Mom.

Plus the whole "mom blog" thing makes me cringe...but really, it is very kind and I should shut up and take the compliment.

It seems you can vote for me - or not. Really, it is fine either way. (Ack! I DO sound Canadian!)

Also - Been to Whorish Ravens lately? No? Well, you should. I love my little photo space.  Well, today is a photo of my grandmother's coffin - which, were I to tell that story, would involve me getting very bizarre looks from the funeral home staff as I ran around taking photos...and even me thinking "I am not sure this is considered "appropriate" in the context of a funeral, Yet and still - fuck it. She is my grandmother and if I want to take pictures then I am taking pictures. I pooped in this woman's yard and she still Loved me, so if I want to take pictures than goddamit, I am."

Here's another great visual from my day - I slipped, in bare feet, on the wooden floor in the living room. I was carrying coffee, which I heroically saved. However, this means that the soles of my feet have become so smooth as to offer no traction on a wooden floor. OR the more likely scenerio: Terrance is using some crazy product on the floors meant to kill me and make it look like a tragic accident. If my obit declares that I was found with a broken neck on my living room floor - with a cup of coffee undisturbed next to me?  Please point the coroner to this blog post.

Finally, from the continual esoteric conversation file of Dawn and Maija:

Today we discovered that we Both adore East of Eden.  As in both of us considered naming sons ( had we had them) Caleb.  If you haven't read it, you really should. I am not sure why people got beaten with Grapes of Wrath in high school, as this would have made a much more intriguing discussion.

And now I have to work on the Monsters paper.

3 Baleful Regards:

Rebecca said...

Hey, I too love East of Eden! It's in my top three Steinbeck and he's in my top three author's list so that book is really up there for me.

Ginnysicle said...

I love Steinbeck, but have never made it through Grapes of Wrath. Go figure. I do love East of Eden.

In my family, it is very common and acceptable to take pictures at funerals, in fact, I've seen a lot of it here in SE Ohio. I think it's a cultural thing, so if it comes up again, and anyone looks at you weird, tell them it's your hillbilly culture, and just go with it.

Dawn said...

HP- I am proud to claim that as one of my many hillbilly traits.

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