Beware the Partner bearing BlogHer Plane tickets....

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cause he must want something in return. And no, it isn't sex - I can assure you that after 15 years together Sex on Valentine's day is no surprise.

So The Jag is dead. He has mourned for four months. He has been in the house -carless - for four months. I knew that I had to let him make peace with the Jag's passing, as his bond with it is so very, very strong.

Au Revoir, Old Friend. I must say that never "got" the whole thing about your allure. But men drooled as you drove by...

No, No. This is what he "got" for himself for a little gift...

And how mad could I be? He's sending me to BlogHer. It does seem a fair trade.
But I must say, Nicely played Terrance. Butter me up with the tickets - then spring the Mercedes on me. Well done.

17 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Damn, Dawn, I admired him yesterday, but today? I want to take lessons from him!

Sugarmama said...

That's some serious butter, Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Clever, clever Terrance.

I still think you got the better end of the deal. I mean, a car will lose its luster, but blogher is FOREVER.

Anonymous said...

Well played indeed.

Though, I think a small (okay, not small) booze allowance should be added to your BlogHer bonanza, now that his underhanded ways have been revealed.

Julie Marsh said...

I have ALWAYS wanted a Mercedes. Like, since I was eight. I don't expect to get one for at least another five years, but it will be a sweet, sweet day.

Cheers to both you and Terrance. And I'm definitely in favor of the booze allowance.

Anonymous said...

I would say you get blogher and limo service... nice ride!

The Gradual Gardener said...

What about that new outfit you need for BlogHer? And the manicure. And the makeover (not by Emily). Oh, and don't forget the massage...

Morris said...

Thats a really nice car.

Mr. Morris
Ask Morris

mamatulip said...

I'm impressed. He played that well. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Damn, that's a nice ride. I've never met Terrance, but he just got sexier.

Mama D said...

I am such a car geek. Loved the Jag. Love the Mercedes. I presume you'll get to ride in it also. So that seems like a win/win situation to me.

Bridgermama said...

At least your guy's "baby" isn't a 97 jeep! It was his first new car and he refuses to get rid of it, and I refuse to drive it!

sweatpantsmom said...

Mmmm...Nice car.

I think he should DRIVE you to BlogHer.

Diana said...

Check Mate. He played well.
I agree with those who say it's win/win- because after day you might "not have enough gas to get to X" or "Honey my car was making a funny noise, can I take yours?"
Yay for going back to being a two car family!
Terrance needs to give pointers to all the husbands that just go out and get the car without showering us with a lavish gift first!!

Fraulein N said...

Well played, Terrance. Well played.

Lisa said...

Sweet. He's a very smart man. :-) With expensive tastes.

Anonymous said...

had I known he was in the market for a newish sweet ride, I could have saved you the trouble and offered up a "slightly* banged up ( ) 2000 VW Golf. Low miles. A cd player in the dash. Unused ashtray. 2 of the 4 power windows work. we're talking delux package. be the envy of all your friends; buy my car!

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