OH! I didn't think that was too many until I figured out it was your office -- whoa! That's a lot of shoes. You are my hero, lady. (Oh, and Elizabeth's my other hero. I am hero-worshipping today.)
The red ones, OMG! I think I just fell in love. I don't bring shoes to work, but there is an old sweater under my desk that has been there since I started six months ago, I had brought it and never used it.
Roo- Well, it starts off small. I bring in a pair AND I wear my Merrill Snow clogs. Those of us in New England would never DRIVE in heels. I mean, we may have to leap out and wrestle a moose. Plus, the leather would get all yukky if I wore them in and they got salty and wet. So I carry them. The, I switch back to my Merrills at lunch to walk to the cafteria and to go home. Many days I am tooo exhausted to carry my shoes home. So I leave them there. And the cycle starts anew. Until I have to carry them out, in a box, to be placed lovingly back into their individually labeled boxes. Cause I mentioned I'm sick like that.
Kristen - Pointy shoes? Normally I am not a huge fan, but those red ones ( and the exact copy Black ones I owned) screamed at me when I walked in the store. Like "Stroll in us Bitch!"
I was shoe browsing yesterday and there are a fair amount of pointy's out there. I say, however, pointy has to be for a good reason - like making the shoe transcend to greatness - not just to be pointy.Also Good shoes - pointy or not, are comfortable. All of those shoes are comfortable. I swear. If a shoe doesn't feel right - do not buy it. It will not "break in". I have great luck with Nine west. I think they have someone with my foot on staff at their design center.
And Jen, I have a drawer that is also supposed to be for "files" and I hesitate to tell anyone I have run out of "file" space, cause they would have to then discover the shame.
14 Baleful Regards:
OH! I didn't think that was too many until I figured out it was your office -- whoa! That's a lot of shoes. You are my hero, lady. (Oh, and Elizabeth's my other hero. I am hero-worshipping today.)
That is your office LOL. Very sassy work shoes, girlie.
Those red shoes are making me green with envy.
So, do you trade out when you get there? Do you have special lunch-hour shoes? Do you go home in stockinged feet? How does this madness begin?
LOVE the red ones.
Oh, and I have already broken in my new digs. one pair currently residing in the big drawers where you know, files should go.
nice work.
I'm so jealous of those who get to wear cute shoes to work!! Wahhh! I have to wear utilitarian black non-skid UGLY work shoes.
We won't even TALK about the ugly uniform.
Did I mention, Wahhh?
You'd get along with my husband. He's got more pairs than I can count.
The red ones, OMG! I think I just fell in love.
I don't bring shoes to work, but there is an old sweater under my desk that has been there since I started six months ago, I had brought it and never used it.
The pointy show..
As someone with a shoe fetish I have to ask because you would know-
Are they still "in"?
Roo- Well, it starts off small. I bring in a pair AND I wear my Merrill Snow clogs. Those of us in New England would never DRIVE in heels. I mean, we may have to leap out and wrestle a moose. Plus, the leather would get all yukky if I wore them in and they got salty and wet. So I carry them. The, I switch back to my Merrills at lunch to walk to the cafteria and to go home. Many days I am tooo exhausted to carry my shoes home. So I leave them there. And the cycle starts anew. Until I have to carry them out, in a box, to be placed lovingly back into their individually labeled boxes. Cause I mentioned I'm sick like that.
Kristen - Pointy shoes? Normally I am not a huge fan, but those red ones ( and the exact copy Black ones I owned) screamed at me when I walked in the store. Like "Stroll in us Bitch!"
I was shoe browsing yesterday and there are a fair amount of pointy's out there. I say, however, pointy has to be for a good reason - like making the shoe transcend to greatness - not just to be pointy.Also Good shoes - pointy or not, are comfortable. All of those shoes are comfortable. I swear. If a shoe doesn't feel right - do not buy it. It will not "break in". I have great luck with Nine west. I think they have someone with my foot on staff at their design center.
And Jen, I have a drawer that is also supposed to be for "files" and I hesitate to tell anyone I have run out of "file" space, cause they would have to then discover the shame.
You have great shoes. I covet them.
I love the purple ones.
"Wrestle a moose" hahahaha!
Really am liking the purple ones and the red ones. :-)
That's at WORK? Whoa dude.
Great shoes!
Like Nancy, I too assumed at first that this was your closet at home. Once I realized it was your work stash, I agree - you need help.
I can assist - send all shoes to me, STAT (especially those red ones.) (Oh and the silver too.) (What size are you?)
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