What's That Tingle?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Note to self:

If you have rubbed your husbands back with "odorless" Ben Gay and you THINK you have thoroughly washed your hands..


Wait an hour or so before you wash your face.

You'd think I had learned this lesson before...

11 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I made this same mistake after rubbing down my wife's back, and thanks to the menthol, my eyes were itchy and... well I don't have to tell you what happened next.

Karen Bodkin said...

At least you didn't touch Le Vagine. Ouch.

Mitzi Green said...

yeah, don't masturbate after making fresh salsa, either. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've rubbed my eyes after just such an episode and lived to regret it.

Jamie said...

lol at Mitzi.....yes, I have had this Ben Gay/eye experience a time or two myself...you WOULD think I would learn, wouldn't you?

mamatulip said...

Oh god. Dave did this -- smeared Tiger balm all over my back and then immediately adjusted his balls.

Fraulein N said...

I shouldn't laugh, right? After all, I did put Magic Shave on my face two days in a row.

Anonymous said...

Also beware of removing contacts after cooking with jalapenos.

Julie Marsh said...

Bad flashback. Ba-aa-ad.

But a good reminder not to repeat history.

Jess Riley said...

A friend of mine once had a romantic incident involving Hot Wings fingers. I put it in the book.

Her Bad Mother said...

I remember that lesson. Stayed with me. Not you, though, apparently.

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