The Fox: A visual story

Monday, July 18, 2011

3 Baleful Regards:

Jennifer said...

Dawn, your rug art is just beautiful!

Dawn said...

Thanks Jennifer, the fox has been a pleasure, despite the heat.

I love the lines in this and have long felt drawn to the fox as a totem animal. I think it was the Kitsune imagery which first drew me in....

I have promised the stained glass artist who drew the pattern that I will send her a picture once I finish.

I am a bit baffled as to the border, however. Nothing seems to be attaching itself to my brain as the right thing to frame the fox. Hopefully soon it will bubble through....

~ J ~ said...

I love this design.....LOVE LOVE LOVE! You do amazing work. The choice of colors etc brings such life to it!

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