Me (walking to pool) : It is Hot as the devils ballsack. Maybe even the taint behind the devils ballsack.
Given, of course, that the devil is male. Which one would presume given the monikers assigned to it - the "prince of darkness", for example. Or "Lord of Flies". I guess that if he were female, more androgynous monikers would be given. Yeah, I am pretty sure the devil is male.
Emily (walking next to me): Are you talking to me?
Me: No. Just thinking.
Emily: You're Weird.
At 2:12 a.m., the people present at the pool that day awoke with the complete understanding that what they had been swimming in was not water.
3 Baleful Regards:
Um, did you discover it wasn't water in the middle of the night? I woke up in the middle of the night to wonder about this....
I am sure it was water...These are just the random additional strange thoughts I seem to filter through on any given day....
Thanks! I kept wondering about UTIs, funny skin lesions, WHAT it could be! I always hate swimming in our pool after a bunch of kids... ;)
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