Botanical Garden

Saturday, October 29, 2011

To save our sanity (and the lives of our daughters) Maija and I bundled up our respective hellions and took them to the botanical garden. Despite being quite cold, we had a lovely time. Plus the Lantern Festival was still going on (until Monday), so really where else could you want to be on a day such as this?

A hiding spot under the Cedars

Such Beautiful Texture

The first spotted lost glove of the season.

This years theme was "The Emperor Returns"

People usually visit the gardens in the Spring and Summer, and I have too. But I admit a certain love for the gardens in early and late Autumn, when the the last colours are showing and the raw textures of nature are more easily discerned. And when we can race under trees kicking and throwing leaves at each other to the delight of a not-quite-two-year-old.

2 Baleful Regards:

Unknown said...

Lovely photos. I remember visiting the Botanical Gardens in Montreal about 45 years ago. We make it to the one in Niagara Falls every year at Easter time when I go crazy for the tulips and lillies.
Good luck on the voting.

Teena in Toronto said...

Looks like a great place for a walk ... so colourful.

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