Isn't it ironic, dontcha think?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

This morning, I experienced true irony. Not the unfortunate events that Alanis sings about, but true irony.

On my first day birth control free, and my husbands penis still considered by the medical profession to be a lethal weapon, the condom broke.

Laugh on, Fate.

8 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you with the fervor of a thousand zealots.

I may also be laughing a little. But mostly praying. Praying hard,sister.

Cindylou said...

I am down right giglling, and praying that you get the result you want most in your heart

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

did you taunt karma recently or something?

fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

Aw, man....

Anonymous said...

We both started laughing so hard after it happened that we froze. It was as if a Mystical Deity was actually standing in front of us, Flipping us off - with both hands.

Lisa said...

That sounds like something that would happen to me. Oy.

Isabel said...

I always hear about the condom breaking. To be honest, I thought it was an urban legend to scare high school kids out of having sex. I guess it really does happen.


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