
Sunday, July 09, 2006

I have always been a sensual person. If you believe in such things, I am a Taurus with Venus in all houses. The sensual of the sensual. Sex? Obviously, but it is more than that.

If you want to pique my interest, visually stimulate me. Send an aroma my way. Play something that catches my ears. I will wander over to touch, or taste or smell what has caught my attention.

I am the woman who will lean into a neck and decide if I will sleep with a man based on his smell. Terrance had fabulous aroma the night we met. My mother will tell you that I have always smelled my food before eating. I actually never realized that I did such a thing until I saw myself doing it on videotape.

So, it is no wonder that food and tastes have played a paramount part in my life. I can tell you where I was when the first Creme Brulee passed my lips. Or the first real dim sum that I ate, or the homemade ravioli with the aioli sauce that made me want to cry. Terrance says one of the reasons he fell in love with me was my adventurous culinary tendancies. I rarely say "No" to something new.

This is part of what is winning my heart to Montreal. It is a sensual city. Perhaps all cities are so. I don't recall this of New York or Boston, but I concede that I may not have been in the right places. Montreal is sensual in the way I imagine France to be sensual. Everything, all at once, all senses stimulated and tingling.

So today, I give you the marche we found today:

Marche Jean-Talon - in the heart of Montreal's Little Italy...On World Cup finals day...and these folks love them some soccer. And Now I will shut it and give you Dawn's Sensual Montreal....

26 Baleful Regards:

Angel said...

The pictures are out of this world! I am suddenly hungry.I have to tell, I have been reading your past blogs,from likr August 2005, and you have got to be related to me! My husband's ring tone,too, is "Big Poppa",if you can believe that! And he's black....and smells really good.....and we have beautiful brown children. What a world.

Anonymous said...

Wow... I can see why Montreal appeals to your senses. Amazing colors and textures, and I can just imagine the sounds and smells. Mmmm...

Anonymous said...

Those cherries, those blueberries, it all looks so good. I love that Montreal is bringing out your sensual side.

Anonymous said...

OMG I want to come visit you so I can vist those markets - seeing fresh fruits and veggies make me so jealous and hungry.

Anonymous said...

Berries and beans and radishes, OH MY!

I can't believe anyone gets take-out in this town with such gorgeous fresh food around every corner.

SuzanH said...


Thanks for the visual/sensual tour!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm hungry now too. What beautiful shots.

I'm all about the scent. I sniff Kyle and the girls so much that you'd think I was an animal mama.

LittlePea said...

Oh the husband is Quebecois so I've spent a lot of time in Quebec and I LUV Montreal. You're so right about the food. Wait til you start picking up the about sensuality! The pictures were great.

Lori said...

Oooh, so tempting. I've never seen purple carrots. I'm one of those people who has to smell everything.

oshee said...


I'll never tell said...

Ya Know, I've only been reading the blogs for about 5 or 6 days now. It all started at true wife and led me here which led me there which has led me......WOW! That's all I can say right now. As the mother of 5 (15,11,10, and of course my husband's,"Let's have one more," the mid-thirties blessing, 4 year old twins,(girls at that), Ya all make me feel very normal and I want to say again WOW! Thank you for making me feel somewhat human about life. Wow, Wow, Wow, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You're killing me really killing me! I am one step away from packing my bags and landing on your doorstep.

I think Montreal is sensual (which I did not realize until you pointed it out)and Paris is romantic. I imagine in Paris people writing poetry about sex and in Montreal people just getting busy.

Cristina said...

wow, wow, wow! Was that market just a one-time thing or do you always have access to such fabulous produce? The pictures are beautiful. Ah, the colors!

Andrea said...

Is there anything you CAN'T do? You sew, you quilt, you do Yoga, you write like nobody's business, you can take fabulous pictures.

And you feel.

I think I love you. You bring life to LIFE!

Woman with Kids said...

Wow, it all looks amazing. I want to touch everything.

MrsFortune said...

Wow, Dawn. When can I come visitez vous? Those cherries!!! I suddenly wish my computer had smell-o-vision.

Fraulein N said...

You make me want to move to Montreal! Great pictures.

Her Bad Mother said...

Yeah, you're gonna like it there. Found the delis yet? The bagels?

Sugarmama said...

Beautiful pictures of the dahlias and the berries. Actually, all the produce looked gorgeous and yummy. I think I need a snack...

I like to sniff stuff, too, but get WAY overstimulated by sounds. Turn on the car radio, have someone talking to me, and maybe a baby toy chanting along and I'll probably begin to unravel within 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous - and hungry. Is this where you're hanging out? Can I come visit? Can I bring my girls? Will Terrance babysit all of them while we got out?

Lisa said...

Beautiful pics. Am So envious. You know, the next Blogher needs to be there!

E. said...

Lovely images! I think the two-colored potatoes are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos!

Found you via TWC.

Mommygoth said...

You are so funny - did anyone look at you like you were crazy, taking pics of all that produce? I am SO glad that you are loving it there, when you had so much trepidation before you got there. Yay!

Anonymous said...

I love montreal. thanks for the eye candy.

Debbie said...

god, but you know how to work that camera.

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