No, I could not finish it. Yes, It was delicious. Cilantro, fennel, garlic and ginger in the broth...and noodles.
And here is the quilt that I have almost finished. Cause I have homework to avoid now. So what better time to finish a massive quilt? Begone "Cognitive development Past, Present ad Future". You can not hold me down. You can not breaka my stride.
Seriously. This thing is so big that it is laughable. I have since put two of the three borders and it is growing unmanageable. I fear trying to put the backing on it.
This is the sister quilt to the original one I finished early last year. These are the left over squares - 2056 in the main body to be exact. So yeah. It is easy to see that I am quite motivated by work avoidance ( witness the birth of TWC!). If only I could harness this power for good.

21 Baleful Regards:
I'm drolling over that big bowl of soup! Mmmmm.
Also wanting to snuggle up in the beautiful quilt! LOVE it.
I want to have a big bowl of soup and curl up in that quilt with a book for an afternoon. But who'm I kidding? Making the soup would take me the whole afternoon. I can cook, but i'm veeeerrrrrryyyyy ssssssllllllooooooowwwwww at it.
But god that looks good. All of it.
That soup looks fantastic. A great meal out...now that's good therapy.
That quilt is awesome.
I can hear my great-grandmother Electa-- the world's greatest quilter clucking at me now from beyond the grave:
"You have quilting in your blood. You know you do! Why didn't you ever pay attention when I tried to teach you to sew? Silly girl! Now, NOW you are thinking, as you realize you are jealous of Dawn's quilting skills, that you should have paid attention? HA! Too late for you, sugar."
OMG That quilt is AWESOME! What would you charge for something like that?
WOW! You are one talented chick. That is a gorgeous piece of work!
That is a beautiful quilt!! Do you sell them or is this just for "pleasure", since I'm sure your fingers are very sore! Do you quilt by hand or machine? I am a quilting nerd, in case you haven't guessed.
Oh, now I have someone to ask quilting questions too.
Amazing quilt! Who knew you were so... domestic! Do you actually quilt the top once you get the backing on? Or is it going to be a tie quilt? I used to make patchwork quilts out of baby flannel for anyone who was having a baby. They were so cozy I always thought I'd get around to making one for me... but the thought of thousands and thousands of 4-inch squares... well, I've never wanted to go all the way into that hell. I ended up taking up knitting as my procrastination tool of choice. =)
All your quilts are beautiful but when the ever loving hell do you have time to work on them? You have three blogs, a child, and you go to school. What's your secret? Seriously, I want to know.
the quilt's gorgeous. and that soup - you had me harnessed by its soupy beauty.
Pho.... mmm... I loves me some pho. Although 'Big Beefy Balls' sounds better...
I would like to wrap myself (several times over) in that quilt and eat that soup on a cold winter's day. Except now I don't have winter so maybe I could just turn the AC down really low.
I adore pho.
Hot, beefy noodle scoup with onions? A picture of a lovely quilt? What are you trying to do...make me feel good? Make me feel all cozy and thankful for food that fills me with comfort and images of handmade things that require love, patience and skill? ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THAT, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION HAS SCREWED THE COUNTRY THAT THERE ARE STILL GOOD THINGS IN THIS WORLD? Well...Mission Accomplished, Dawn. On this, the sixth anniversary of 9/11...I thank you.
I am totally impressed with your handiwork. That must have taken a loooong time. Beautiful!
It's the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Not the sixth. I'm so bad in math.
Man, you really are good. That quilt is fantabulous!
Wow- that quilt!
GAH! Stop with the temptations. Enough already.
How big are the squares on that quilt?
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