Evening One...A Success

Friday, July 28, 2006

How to tell if Evening One of BlogHer was a success...

You wake up and see this on the chair next to your bed.
Take alot of Advil and keep moving...

10 Baleful Regards:

Andrea said...

Cute shoes! Of course, I wouldn't have expected anything less. Can't wait for the rest!

Debbie said...

that, on the chair, is the exact shade of my envy.


Mom101 said...

Could be worse. Could be one shoe from Joe, the Hyatt desk clerk.

Anonymous said...

I thought of you and your liquid Advils this morning. Will you please pass me one?

Lisa said...

Gah. SO envious!

Mommygoth said...

I AM SO jealous! I want to BE there!

Anonymous said...

And just where, young lady, is the OTHER shoe? Gad..I'd love to sit down for a drink with you guys.

Jewels said...

Jealous isn't even the word. If you can't bear to see the shoes as a reminder, I will sacrafice and take them from you.

'Cause I'm sweet like that.

Could you throw in the purse?

Great combo.

Anonymous said...

There's not enough Advil in the world.

Anonymous said...

You lost a shoe? How did I miss hearing that story? I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you look for it, I was getting drunk like a college girl with Just Say Jes. Next year, we should stick closer together I think.

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