Hung Over

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I will not begin to unravel all the parts and pieces that have been jam packed into my brain over the last week. Others have summarized and synthesized beautifully, eloquently, hysterically. BlogHer 2006 was all of those things...and more.

I love the people I already loved, even more. I met new loves. I got voices to put with words, and that means as much to me as faces. I can hear the person talking now as I read their words.

Bloggers are a unique people. Many of us will tell you that we are socially inept, always feeling a little behind the social eight ball. Many of us battle anxiety issues and depression. Many of us struggle with body image and our places in larger society. All of us write and create in the bubble of our private worlds - houses, apartments, coffee shops. We are solitary units casting out into the ocean of cyber space. We dare hope someone - Anyone - will like us, let alone GET us.

The giddiness of Blogher, I think, has to do with being in the presence of like minded creatures. Having driven from out from behind our metaphorical rocks, we must socialize. We must represent. We must remember that these are people who know very intimate details of our lives - just as we do them. It is one thing to Blog Naked, it is another to be Naked in the room with other Bloggers.

For myself, I disguise my nervousness with outrageousness. It is an old "Introvert masking as an Extrovert" technique I picked up. And I drink.

God (or your designated deity here) love every one of you who still love me after BlogHer, as I have inklings of things I said to individuals, as well as groups, and think to myself "Buddha on a biscuit, Shut your mouth, Woman!"

But, the reason I love you all even more, is because you implicitly understand that I couldn't shut up. I couldn't HELP but say the bizarre and hysterical things that fly out of my mouth, with nary a filter in sight. I was with my people. You understand.

So now, I crawl back to my safe cave. I reflect. I speak very little. I walked to the bakery and had my danoise and coffee this morning. I curled back into my nest to recover.

And yesterday, I went to the Market to reconnect with my new home. So, I leave you with Jean Talon, Yesterday at 4:30 p.m. Cause Meghan called me the "Annie Liebowitz of Produce", and that tickled me beyond belief.

(pictures will be forthcoming - Blogger is being a punk ass bitch right now)

24 Baleful Regards:

I'll never tell said...

"Bloggers are a unique people. Many of us will tell you that we are socially inept, always feeling a little behind the social eight ball. Many of us battle anxiety issues and depression. Many of us struggle with body image and our places in larger society. All of us write and create in the bubble of our private worlds - houses, apartments, coffee shops. We are solitary units casting out into the ocean of cyber space. We dare hope someone - Anyone - will like us, let alone GET us."

Couldn't have said it better myself. See I've only been reading the blogs now for probably just under a month. Dawn you popped my blog cherry. I don't even know how I stumbled upon your site. Reading ALL of you has quieted my soul some in knowing that I AM NOT ALONE! I've been thinking alot about writing a blog but have not mustered the courage. But I wanted to tell everyone thank you for just being you and letting me hear your voice.

Mommygoth said...

I am mad as heck that my college roomie, POW (aka Amy) got to hang out with you, and I didn't. Well, but you didn't come to Blogher, Mommygoth, you might say. And to that I say "irrelevant!"

Mignon said...

I think the "extrovert masking your nervousness" is actually the real you feeling happy and comfortable with your peeps. You're like a crawdad hiding in a hermit crab shell - you look like you belong when you poke your head out a little, but once you crawl all the way out you clearly don't need that shell.

Anonymous said...

Dawn ~ I truly had the best time with you - just sitting by the pool chatting it up. It's times like those that I wish I had so many of you near me. However, wait until I move. I'd never subject anyone to Mississippi.


Anonymous said...

The thing I like the most about your blog is that it's really you speaking. It's not a censored you or an edited you. It's YOU.

And this was well said. As always.

Anonymous said...

"Buddha on a biscuit!" will unseat all heretofore used exclamations in my daily lexicon.

Pretty soon I'm going to skip over any post with the mention of the "B" word. That way I won't jump off a bridge at not having finally met all of you!

Lisa said...

I hope you recover by next year's BlogHer. Its supposed to be in Chicago. I can go then! And I am dying to meet you.

I almost had my hubby agreeing to a vaction to where you are just so that I could meet you. But... didn't end up happening.

Piece of Work said...

Are you kidding me? I totally bought your introvert masquerading as an extrovert schtick. Totally!
It was awesome meeting you, Dawn, and I just wish I'd been able to hold my liquor well enough to stay up with you. Well, past 9pm, at least.

Anonymous said...

I love you more, if that's possible. You shiv shanking ho.

Mayberry said...

Didn't know you before, but love you now! I'll never look at a Bitty Baby shoe the same way again.

Karl said...

Well, whether you like it or not, I still like you. Great post.

Anonymous said...

It was great to spend some time in the Land of my People. I lurve you, too, Dawn!

Bobita said...

Dawn...I am so very sad that I didn't get to buy you that Mojito!! I sooooo would have loved to have been the one taking those Yoga photos!

Cristina said...

I didn't get to spend much time with you (damnit!) but you were a fun gal for the 3.4 minutes we shared!! And it was great putting a face with a blogger template.

Debbie said...


URA genius.

your honesty kind of scares me, it's so ... honest.

in the words of the great R. Smith, why can't I be you?

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I love you. You can say anything to me, and I do mean anything, and I will still love you.

Thank you for "Buddha on a biscuit" - much more acceptable around here than "Christ on a cracker" (although I may have to explain WHO Buddha is...)

Meghan said...

You managed to put into words, the thoughts that have been plugging up my brain drain. You are the Annie Leibowitz of produce. And meeting you in real life was.... so great it's hard to put it into word (still have the post debauchery dumdums). I feel like I could tell you just about anything and you would not bat an eye. And there are some crazy thoughts bouncing around in this head that I wouldn't share with A LOT of people. Thanks for being one of my bees. You, my dear, are one of a kind, and an absolute joy. And I totally had you as an introvert posing as an extrovert. Thats why you kept disappearing for hours at a time!

Anonymous said...

Dawn...if I had been there at BlogHer...I have a feeling I would have been JUST LIKE YOU. *sigh* Separated at birth, you and I.

Andrea said...

This post, more than any other wrap up summary of BlogHer, made me feel like it was something special, and that it's something I cannot miss next year.

And you very eloquently expressed what I have found through blogging, albeit unexpectedly. I've found people who GET me. It's a relief, and it makes me love bloggers all the more.

Lena said...

How well put Dawn. You were awesome at Blogher. Totally worked the crowd.

Also, funny: I was an extrovert parading as an introvert! Neat! Not.

Anonymous said...

This post = yes. I have been thinking about this very thing all day, how sometimes the blog is easy for me because it lets me be the introvert while reaching out. It lets the computer be my screen for the depression, the social anxiety, etc.

Amy said...

Great observations about the introvert/extrovert tendencies of writers and bloggers. I love that you were so honest about all of this.

halloweenlover said...

So jealous. It sounds wonderful

Anonymous said...

You are awesome. I will save these words.

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