Scenes from De la Gare

Sunday, August 27, 2006

10 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination or did my ass just gain 10 pounds from looking at those pictures?

Mignon said...

You know, I would've guessed that's what cross-dressers look like in Quebec. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

Having tasted fresh bread like that when I was in London, I can say that most people in the U.S. have no idea what bread is really supposed to taste like. *drool*

Andrea said...

I need to stop coming here when I'm hungry. You get me every single time.

Anonymous said...

French speaking, pastry scarfing decaf swilling bitches.

Fraulein N said...

You have all these pictures of food so delicious I can practically smell it, taste it, drool over it... And then: one of these things is not like the others...

Was that supposed to activate our gag reflexes so we don't gain weight from looking at all that food? If so, it worked.

Mayberry said...

I love those ladies, actually! I bet they have a pretty sweet life.

Ruth Dynamite said...

Must. Have. Pastry.


Woman with Kids said...

What a treat! Just back from vacation and while I pretend to work and actually make the Blog rounds, I find that you're back! With produce porn! And pastry porn! I may reach my exclamation point quota for the day with this one post! Thank goodness!

Lisa said...

Mmmmm. Pastries....

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