When a Smart Ass Prank Backfires

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ladies, have you ever wondered what to do with those old Needlework montrosities hanging in your grandparents homes?

Now, you too can be the height of fashion with a custom made purse, which you will proudly carry around Montreal to the envy of all the fashionita's.

Back story? Um, yeah. One day I found this thing in the ladies room at my old job. People would bring in the wierdest shit and abandon it to the gods of the bathroom. Being the prankster that I am, I decided to smuggle it downstairs and hang it on my friend Denise's office. Dee has impecable taste in decoration, so this was sure to stick out like a sore thumb.

A few months later, I recieved a gift for my birthday. Dee wins this round.

15 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

The good news is now you know what to get her for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. My friend and I do that.

That's how I ended up with the Hulk Hogan plastic doll and 80's brown lip gloss.

She's winning.

Piece of Work said...

Oh, but it doesn't have a cute saying on it, like "home is where the heart is". Now *that* would be fashionable.

Mayberry said...

I would totally carry that around. THe best part about it is how one side is upside-down. Sweeeeet!

Anonymous said...

So if I take a placemat, sew up three of the sides and glue on a handle, I have a fashionable totebag? Sweet!

Lisa said...

How funny is that! I kinda like fug and retro.

Andrea said...

If you regift it to her at Christmas like Sarah suggested (funny!) then you could always put something equally fugly inside and call it couture.

Anonymous said...

We had a tacky gift exchange at my house one year and everyone left all the shit, one gift was literally shit for house plants or something, at my house. Take that purse and it leave it.

Anonymous said...

could've been worse-- she could've gnomed you.

Anonymous said...

I love the upside-down animals on the back side.

Her Bad Mother said...

It's the upside-downness that's brilliant.

They'll love it in Mon-rey-al...

E. said...

Great story. My aunt once got me a cheesy self-help book called The Five Love Languages as a Christmas gift. (Sample advice for husbands: "Hold your wife's hand in the mall parking lot.") Then, a year and a half later, she gave it to me again for my birthday. (What the hell is she trying to tell me?) I had to tell her and hand it back over. I'm sure someone else's marriage will benefit from the regifting.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like it. Is that bad?

Ruth Dynamite said...

I think this is a great idea! Granny chic?

Marcie said...

I could totally see it on one of the trendy, crafty blogs. It is kinda funky.

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