Gnome Technology

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Seriously, you guys slay me.

From here on out I will pretend that I am writing about Gnome technology.

You know, wheelbarrows and rakes and other gnome innovations.

"XXX has been leading the industry in gnome innovation. Through partnerships with Pixies, Inc, XXX has created several exciting new products for use in the gnome home and office"

Now I will just have to control my giggling every time I am in a meeting.

Cause the other day, this phrase was used...

"Instantaneous penetration"

and I thought I was going to fall out of my chair.

9 Baleful Regards:

velocibadgergirl said...

How in the world did you keep your head from exploding due to pent-up hilarity? How?! I never would've managed.

Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING quite as hilarious as totally stuffy serious people using phrases like "instantaneous penetration" with a straight face. I think I would have pee'd myself.
Hang in...

Anonymous said...

NO WAY I could have kept from laughing.

Woman with Kids said...

Instantaneous penetration? I think my ex had that problem... Oh, no, that was instantaneous *upon* penetration.

And there is my TMI for the day.

House of Jules said...

I wouldn't have been able to stifle my usual, "That's what he/she said" comment. I have tried to break that habit for YEARS now, to no avail.

Bobita said...

So, in the "instantaneous penetration" meeting...was a gnome with a wee little pecker being discussed?

Anonymous said...

seriously, I hadn't read the comments above me on that last post and I was shocked you didn't put 2 + 2 together about "Gnome Technology". You must be out of it.

"instantaneous penetration"??? Ouch. Also, how can they expect a person to show maturity when they talk like that??

Miguelita said...


I once worked in a place where the a valued client was some retail outfit called "Buckmasters". I had this mental image of a male porn star with a huge mustache - "Buck Master".

Anonymous said...

I go away for a while and suddenly gnomes are penetrating instantaneously? Man, I have to stick close. This place is WILD.

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