D-e-e-e-e-p Breath, Release.....

Friday, December 23, 2005

Guess who lost his wallet again last night?

Guess who flipped out this morning about it and then began having shooting chest pains?

Guess who is home with the child who is out on school vacation?

Guess who needs to chill the heck out?

That's right. It's not me, I'm the smart one. I take anti-depressants!

Sigh. Looks like I am going to have to give up some Good sex tonight in order to calm this man down.

* I did ask if his life insurance was up to date. He did not seem to find that terribly funny.

And we found the wallet. He left it at the restaurant.

9 Baleful Regards:

Table4Five said...

Perhaps he could start using one of those wallets that attach to his belt with a chain?

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth and I are on the same wavelength -- I was going to suggest a man-purse. He might not like that too much though.

Dawn said...

Ladies, I already had the man neutered in November. A Man Purse would send him over the edge. It's hard to look tough, big and black with a man purse

Table4Five said...

Well yeah, but don't those wallets on a chain look all ghetto and tough? Like he's in a gang? Or is that not possible in New Hampshire?

Anonymous said...

I concur with Miz Elizabeth. Heh heh. Ghetto-f.a.-b.o.-l.o.-u.s.
Hollah Back, WHOO-HOO

Diana said...

I can't say anything- I'm always leaving my purse somewhere...
I would tell you to put a key finding device in his wallet but he might lose the locater...so I'm out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

I know how to spell "fabulous", I just can't say the same for rap peeps.

Julie Marsh said...

Why in the hell is he so uptight? Loss of his balls? We white women are supposed to be uptight, especially those of us who require medication.

We make the life insurance joke. A lot. Not sure if that's a warning sign or not.

halloweenlover said...

What? Everyone has life insurance? I'm going to ask Josh to get life insurance this weekend. Do you think he'll get offended?

Your poor husband. How many more times until your 20 times is up?

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