How to tell if Mommy AND Daddy have had a baaadd Day!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I had to laugh when I walked out into the Kitchen this morning and saw this:

And I promise. The "Christmas Hell" photos are coming. I am just collecting some Really good ones!

8 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

I just bought a bottle of Baileys Sunday night. And it was gooood. (tho you can drink Baileys rocks pretty fast - I felt like an alcoholic when I kept returning to the kitchen to fill 'er up).

Lisa said...

Heehee. Oh NO! That should prove to be an interesting day. :-)

Sugarmama said...

Looks strangely similar to our counter some mornings...

Anonymous said...

Looks like the start of a good day to me...

Julie Marsh said...

Niiiiice. Can I come party with you?

halloweenlover said...

I'd like to stop by your house on Wednesday nights too! Do the Bailey's and whatever that other one is, go INTO the hot chocolate?

Anonymous said...

Baileys goes down like whoa. Truly, the liquor of the gods.

Stolidoli said...

I MUST know what is in the Goya bottle in the back. LOVE Goya.

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