Another reason to hate my new co-worker

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This has appeared on her desk. Save me.

6 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

You could always put a knife in it, with a little note that says, "YOU."

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's a super secret spy and it's got a camera in it. Then it would be COOL.

Anonymous said...

"AND THEY CALLED IT.....Pup-Py Lu-ovvvve".

Good grief, how old's this girl?

I also take issue with grownups who wear Winnie the Pooh clothing(one woman at my old gig had a type of letterman leather jacket and a denim shirt of Pooh and friends. gack.). I'm sorry, that's just how I feel.

Go with Roo's idea...please? pretty please?

halloweenlover said...

Orrr, see that hook on the wall right behind the god-awful bear dog thing? Tie a noose around the stuffed animals neck and hang it from the hook. THAT would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Everytime you walk into her cube you should jump and gasp like it is scaring the shit out of you. Guaranteed to offend.

Dawn said...

She leaves at 3:30. I'll Update you all then....
(evil , silent laugh)

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