And she always won. Still does.

This is Emily at her first birthday. She weighed about 13 pounds. She still wore size 0-3 month clothes. You can see that she is pummeling me to get down, since any kind of embrace or snuggling was torture to her.

Emily and Terrance in Prescott Park in Portsmouth. Emily walked at nine months. Can you imagine a person that small being so mobile? She was hell on her "crib size" 2 keds.

Here she is with our cat - Keillor - who divorced us when she was 3. He just couldn't take it anymore. Her love was killing him. Her screaming caused him to have feline irritable bowl syndrome, leading to copious puking. He had to have 35 dollar a bag special prescription cat food and steroids to stop the vomiting. At a year old, she weighed less than he did. He averaged about 15-17 pounds.
Here she is - a year old , walking with her red ball. Badddddd Assss Kid. How I found Teva's that small, I'll never know.

10 Baleful Regards:
So cute. So little she was! (talk like Yoda, I do.)
Emily looks like she's getting ready to push Keillor off the dock in that one picture...
Nancy, she was probably thinking about kicking him off the dock but knew I was standing behind her.
Yes, Beth. Emily crawled at 6 months and was walking by nine months.
We never had a chance....
Too cute.
The caption for that last photo could be, "Hey you! Come back here! How'd you like this red ball here shoved up your (bleep)!
And she is workin' those capris.
Wow, walking at nine months. My daughter walked on her knees until she was 15 months. LOL.
I'm so in love with the pic of her and Terrance, it looks like a Hallmark card.
My Little Man is a terror that walked at nine months, too. I literally have to chase him around the house now, and he gets away because he's small and can fit places I can't-like under the table!
Wait- I thught better of it. The pic of Emily and Terrance looks like those commercials for Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, you know where they try to make families look all peaceful and appear to get along...
(Please tell me someone knows what commercial I'm talking about.)
Behold the power of the scanner. I need one of those.
I swear my mom told me I was walking at 10 months. I always thought it was bullshit and now she is not here to confirm or deny.
It does seem strange to see such a tiny girl motoring around on her own.
She was so cute, even while she is pummeling you.
13 pounds? WOW!
The picture in the park is beautiful. And I am cracking up about the cat. Had we not abandoned ours (to a good home, I promise) back in NJ, I'm sure she would have divorced us too, as Tacy just LOVED to give her hell.
I have a little man who has Sensory Dysfunction issues. He spent a year with both a speech and occupational therapist. He's so much better now. I have a completely different kid. Still have some issues but we've come a long way. But dear god, can he be a handful.
Love the pics! Sh3 is so beautiful.
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