The Lake of Infamy

Monday, January 23, 2006

During a RAGING snowstorm, I offer you an old photo of the lake, complete with a big arrow that tells you were I flashed my bodaciois Ta-Ta's.

8 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

that is a beautiful lake you live on. hey, if you're gonna flash them, at least you chose a classy locale.

Looks like a "deep thoughts" moment b/n you and em. cute.

mamatulip said...

What a beautiful place to flash your heaving bosom.

Lisa said...

So very pretty. I can see why you LOVE the place. I would too.

Anonymous said...

You should photoshop yourself into the lake in that spot. With bodacious ta-tas and all.

It is a beautiful locale. We live near a lake too, but you can't swim in it (Joe did by accident once, and he came out smelling *foul*.)

Anonymous said...

Nice. Can I come live with you. Not until the summer, of course.

Table4Five said...

That picture shows why I love fall-the trees are gorgeous.

And Emily looks so teeny! I love the little jumper she's wearing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. This is where you live? It's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

That looks like where I'd like to be, right about now.

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