The Beast Cometh

Friday, March 03, 2006

Toasted Cheese Ravioli's - One Box

Bottle of Spanish Wine - One

Small Chocolate Cake with Real Frosting- One

One Tube of "Pore Firming mud mask" and LOTS of Advil Liqui-gels

One Husband and Father, in New York on Business.

Getting through all the food and then thinking,"God, I hope my period comes soon, cause I am going to kill somebody"..Priceless

21 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I am SO THERE. Except my particular weaknesses today were baklava (for breakfast, along with a bagel), thai food, and a double chocolate brownie. Red wine instead of white. Tools of the trade: super duper concealer and calming cream to soothe the angry red face. And semi-seclusion to protect my family from my attitude.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. Please let me hang out with you this weekend. Please.

Lisa said...

Oh I hear ya. Can you pass me a piece of that cake? I'll share my Hershey's bunnies with you...

Anonymous said...

Just got mine, and Lordy, I do not want to think of a time before Advil Liquidgels. How did we manage before those precious green jellies of liquid sanity. How did I walk erect before them? Accept No Substitute is what I say.

I want to come play over your house. mmmm, cake. wine. cheese.
(I aslo gave myself a facial last night due to The Havoc)

Anonymous said...

p.s. the first 2 letter of my word verification thing was "RX". Coincidence? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Good GOD. Breaded ravioli!?! I think the skies just opened and the angels are playing their trumpets because that looks like heaven, period or not.

Bobita said...

OH MY GOD!!!! You are soooo funny! I think I may have peed myself laughing OUT.LOUD. at your posts.

My kids LOVE that ravioli, if they get any after I've had MY way with it!!

Ice car races? Are you from Minnesota?!

I'm so excited to find your blog. Very, very, very funny!!

Anonymous said...

The marinara totally counts as a vegetable. And the wine and chocolate cake should help with everything else. At least with Terrance out of town you don't have to worry about getting all logical and bringing up all the things that never bother you any other time of the month until he asks you what your problem is. Or maybe that's just me.

mamatulip said...

Save me some cake, okay? I'm on my way.

Sugarmama said...

Mmmm, sounds like my kind of husband-free weekend. Except that I ate half a pint of Haagen Dazs Rum Raisin ice cream for lunch, and there will be cocktails rather than wine with dinner...

Mignon said...

And paper plates - you gotta add in paper plates!!!
That combo is priceless.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but the more I look at this, the more I'm convinced you need to make this your screensaver/wallpaper.

Table4Five said...

That ravioli and sauce look delicious. I've got Cadbury dark chocolate-can I come over?

And Advil Liqui-Gels are the SHIT.

Jess Riley said...

This post made me totally hungry. Fried ravioli, wine, and chocolate cake...does it get better than that? I think not.

(Are those frosting seashells on the cake?!?!)

Anonymous said...

While I feel nothing but compassion for your husbandless, pre-menstrual state, I really just need to know where to find those ravioli thingies. Pretty please.

Feral Mom said...

I LOVE bachelorette night. For me, when the husband's away, it's Chef Boy-ar-dee, jug o'red wine, and finally being able to watch American Idol in peace.

IzzyMom said...

Who needs a period? I eat like that all the time ;-P

(I'm only half joking, you know)

Anonymous said...

Oh. Yum.

Am salivating at the ravioli/wine combo. They should sell that at McDonalds as the real Happy Meal.

Mama D said...

Those ravioli's look GOOD! I'd also like to say that I LOVE proactive. Love it so much that I pay even more money to have it shipped to me in Canada! It is fantastic.

halloweenlover said...

I am dying laughing. That is awesome. I am sooo with Jen on the Advil Liquigels. I don't know how we survived before them either, and now the doctor suspects that I might be allergic. It is like being shown the most fabulous product ever and having it rudely taken away. Sigh.

Julie Marsh said...

Well, mine's been ding-danging around for the past week, trying to decide whether she's going to get serious or not. It's really fucking irritating. Irritating enough to make me drink cake and eat wine.

I'll be right over.

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