And when they found the Little Match Girl, frozen, she had a smile on her face

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My daughter decided to run away last Sunday. However, her plan was thwarted by :

1. Lack of Transportation, and Alternate Housing.
2. No means of finance.
3. No Clothes or shoes that she had purchased with above finance.
4. The Elements. It is Winter in New England.

However, here is a picture we took, after she had run around in the snow, barefoot, a couple of times yelling that she was going to find a family who would "appreciate her".

We are happy to report that instead of running away, she cleaned her room and Peace was restored.

15 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! This one is going to be trouble, already with the drama at such a young age. I love it :o)

Anonymous said...

She's got guts, that girl. And guts is enough. Well, unless you are missing items 1-4 which are required when you run away in the dead of winter.

Sugarmama said...

Oh my! If she was really upset that seems like it could be a little stressful. Or maybe she was old enough for it to be funny that she hadn't packed anything?

Dawn said...

Oh, Don't think she didn't pack stuff. But , alas, it was a bunch of underwear and 4 pairs of bathing suits.

Not exactly survival gear. Unless you live in the Bahamas.

V said...

So...she's gonna run away and be a surfer?
I remember planning to run away several times....packed, and would start walking...but I'd only go as far as I was "allowed" and then not really know what to do. So, I'd just go home...

Fraulein N said...

She slays me. I love that she went out barefoot. How can you not love that?

Anonymous said...


It looks like she did some pacing, trying to decide whether to go for it and run through the snow. I'm glad she thought better of it.

Sarah said...

Oh, this post reminds me of my sister. I'll never forget the time she decided to run away and my Dad helped her pack. He kept asking her what she wanted to bring on her journey. For some reason she had to bring our entire collection of board games. It's funny now, but at the time I was horrified. I couldn't believe my Dad was actually helping her pack! It was great reverse psychology though-as I recall-she never made it out the door.

Table4Five said...

My sister ran away also, to the garage. And then asked if she could come in for dinner. My mom said only people who live in the house could eat dinner there, so she "came back".

Lisa said...

My sister always threatened to run away. I always hoped she would because then I'd have a room to myself and she wouldn't be ruining my clothes all of the time. heehee. Or she would say, "I know the phone number for DCFS!" And then she'd rattle it off.

That story was SO CUTE. THanks for sharing.

halloweenlover said...

So was she running around barefoot because you told her she couldn't take shoes you'd purchased with her? Or what's the story here.

She is hilarious, honestly. Don't you wish you could videotape her sometimes?

Julie Marsh said...

I'm dying here. The picture of the footprints was the icing on the cake.

I'm also scared shitless. Sometimes I would swear that Emily is who Tacy will become in a few years.

Cindylou said...

Dawn, She is you! As I child when I threatened it my mother would offer me a ride to the bus station. ANd when I did run away at age 16 for a night, I was scared, no terrified by what I had done.

Diana said...

love the footprints in the snow! makes for a great poem! (A different theme compared to Footprints in the Sand)
My son runs away now, to the playroom. Can't wait till he gets older and tries to run away for real. (Totally sarcastic there!)

Anonymous said...

Hee! I sure do appreciate her.

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