Friday Fun with Toys...on Sunday

Sunday, June 18, 2006

When the grisly scene was discovered, doubts were raised as to the identity of the murderer.

Was Sleeping Beauty just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was there more to it? And why arrange the bodies on a bed of crayons?

PS - Sorry about the bitchy quality of the last post. I'm fine, Really.

7 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Maybe crayons were used as the murder weapon? Ya think?

Anonymous said...

Check out that sly look on Barbie's face. Bitch knows something.

Anonymous said...

Decapitation? Dang, Barbie.

Lisa said...

ohhh. A murder mystery!

Jaelithe said...

I think it was a murder-suicide, after Sleeping Beauty found out he picked a house for them where the bathroom had no electrical outlets.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Love the grave news-anchor voice of the post, too.

Cindylou said...

If my guy wore pants like that I would kill him.

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