More Friday Fun with Toys

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Kill Bill III

"Don't worry Tink", whispered Mulan. "I know a man who will help you. His name is Bill, and to him I am "Taipan", the deadly snake of China. How do you feel about swords? We could use a woman of your talents. We'll call you Harlequin..."

10 Baleful Regards:

Lisa said...

That was really funny. I need to buy my son some dolls. Its not about trying to raise a more sensitive male. But mainly so I can play with them. heehee

oshee said...

I was just thinking, what are you going to do when Emily becomes too old for toys? Will you have to admit then, they are yours?


very funny post

Dawn said...

I was buying toys long before I even considered having kids. You know that scene in 40 year old virgin where he stands there with all of his "collectible dolls" - yeah. That is Me. In male form.

The worst? These conversations happen spontaneously in my head - ALL THE TIME.

And lord knows, I loved the Kill Bill's - LOVED THEM. I mean, "Pussywagon"? Classic.

mamatulip said...

The expression on Tink's face is KILLING me. She's so down with all of this.

motherbumper said...

bravo, bravo. I just sprayed coffee out of my nose. Thank you for my first laugh of the AM.

Anonymous said...

Oooh. Tink does look a little like Uma Thurman, doesn't she?

And are they making barbies even more anorexically skinny these days, or is it my imagination?

JayMonster said...

That was hillarious.

Oh, and TB, those are not Mattel products, you have to blame Disney for the excessively anorexically skinny dolls. (Although in fairness, Tinkerbell is a Sprite afterall).

Anonymous said...

hee hee. you know, they could come join Ariel & all the Mermaidia chicks that were in the pool the other day. my 5 yr old son about had a fit- Girls! Bring Barbies!! to the POOL!!! Seriously!!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how the Mulan doll looks a little like Divine?

Table4Five said...

Marsha's right! Someone needs to tell Mulan's eyebrow waxer to ease up a bit.

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