A New Blog - Cause Two isn't Enough!!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

You guys are so inspirational.

It occurred to me how much you ALL love my true wife confessions, so, because I have nothing else to do, I have started a new blog:

True Wife Confessions:


Here's my idea. I put my first two posts up, but many of you WISH you could add your own, but know that you have people in your life who read your blog, or would be upset if they read your "confessions". Now, my husband NEVER reads my blog(s), so I can be relatively fearless about my own confessions.

In the sanctum of "True Wife Confessions", I will take anything that is emailed to me as a True Wife Confession, compile it once a week (my goal is Friday) and post them. My fingers are crossed that I will get at LEAST ten a week.

All email confessions will be held in strictest confidentiality. For real. May Vlad come and impale me if I divulge. Plus, you read #18 right? You are my girls and the girls get the Iron Curtain.

I am going to work on a new email address for just these:


or you can always get me at the balefulregards@gmail.com

Come on ladies, help me pimp my idea to the other women of the world who want to admit all sorts of things. It will make us all feel SOOOO much better.

And yes, this is open to girlfriends, partners, etc, etc, etc.

Let the Confessions Begin!

Added to say: Every thing will remain anonymous. I am going to cut and paste the confessions in a numbered list (like the first two) - no particular order. This way, the confessions will never be traceable to a person. I will also delete the emails after I transfer the info. I got enough of my own shit to cover up, believe me.Folks can either pimp the new blog on their site - or spread via word of mouth. This is meant to be anonymous for you, entirely.

13 Baleful Regards:

Lena said...

I don't know whether to hate you or love you because this is a rockin idea!

Lisa said...

AWESOME idea! Can't wait to

E. said...

Awesome idea! I will definitely be sending my confessions. Especially since I know you won't be giving us penance.

Anonymous said...

Man, between you and Her Bad Mother I'm going to have all sorts of potential confessional sites... might not need my blog anymore. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Nancy, that's why I need Dawn and HBM - this is EXACTLY what I have been yearning for (but didn't have the sense to conceive it myself).

oshee said...

This is a wonderful idea. Look for my emails.

Anonymous said...

Does your brain ever rest? I'm thinking no, which is good for us. Great idea.

Debbie said...

Dawn? You're beautiful.

Diana said...

I know I have a few confessions to send in! Frickin genious, Dawn.

Cristina said...

Wow, this is gonna be one spicy blog. I can feel it. Can't wait to read more...

Anonymous said...

See ya there!

Bobita said...

Dawn...genius idea!

Her Bad Mother said...

You got my confession, right?

And the link is now up at the Secret Basement Lair (www.herbadmother.blogspot.com)

Gots us some spicy talk this summer!

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