Friday Fun with toys..has been postponed

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cause most of the toys are packed or otherwise engaged. I survived my "goodbye" luncheon. I kept my eyes down on the table most of the time and tried to avoid the fake small talk. I told no one what pathological assholes and fake, simpering bitches I think they are. I did, however, think it.

One...More...Day... which I will spend doing nothing but surfing your blogs on company time. Suck on that, "the Man".

New True Wife is up - keep those a-comin ladies. The ninth edition is almost done, so we're soon to hit 100.

Big ups to Troll Baby, who graciously and spontaneously made those awesome graphics. We all know that I had nothing to do with that, except to say "Hell, yeah" when she offerred them to me.

Em's Dance recital this weekend. Drinks will be in order. I'll keep ya posted...

14 Baleful Regards:

Mom101 said...

Karen always impresses me. The site looks fantastic.

Have a good recital! Bring a flask...

Karen Bodkin said...

You are most welcome - it was my pleasure. Thanks to Mary Tsao for pointing me towards TWC and your blog as well. Both are awesome!

Andrea said...

Oh to have a full day blog surfing and not having to worry about if the supervisor is seeing. I covet.

Debbie said...

I look forward to seeing your devilishly fabulous trail around the 'sphere.

eff the man, baby.

Anonymous said...

Have a great last day. Maybe you can continue the cosmic F.U. by doing some online shopping and stealing of office supplies.

Anonymous said...

"Simpering bitches". Now that's descriptive.

halloweenlover said...

Last day! Last day! Last day!

Congratulations on your escape from office hell!!!!

I'm so excited for you!

MrsFortune said...

I always fantasize about telling everyone at a job what I really think of them on the day I leave. So far I've yet to actually do it, but wouldn't it be nice ... Congrats, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a great last day. If you're not gone already, can you do me a big favor and yell "Later, bitches!" on your way out the door? I'll buy all your drinks at BlogHer! Oh... wait...

Anonymous said...

happy last day of work! WHOO HOO.

I LOVE last days of work - kind like last day's of school. only day of the year I actually wake up EARLY.

Sugarmama said...

My congratulations on the last day of work! Have I caught you in your last 10 minutes? I hope this comment finds you still reading blogs! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Take this job and shove it,
I ain't workin' here no more.
I lost track of all the things that I been workin' for.
Don't you try and stop me
now I'm walkin' out that door.
Take this job and shove it!
I ain't workin' here no more!

(Rock on, girly!)

Lisa said...

The other site looks fab. Yeay. And good luck on the recital stuff.

Her Bad Mother said...

Congrats on LAST DAY - woo hoo - am toasting you!

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