Four Hours of carving must count for some kind of Parental pennance right? I have bruises on my wrists from these damn things and a wedge of pumpkin under my thumbnail.
Oh, and please feel bad for the disabled Bat - I totally hacked off a part of his hand.
8 Baleful Regards:
Wow, they look great!
The disabled bat is my favorite...
holy crap! You're the queen of pumpkin carvers.
You get lots of parental points for this. Start thinking about when you want to cash them in. Keep this photo for proof and show it to your girl when necessary.
Sorry about the bruises and all but these pumpkins look amazing! I doubt anyone will notice the bat.
Those are unbefuckinlievable.
AND you did FOUR? I dunno, ladies. this just smacks of guilt. what did you do? make the girl eat cheerios for dinner for a month? tell her everytime she asks for dessert, an angel dies? c'mon....just among us girls....
Had no idea you were so artistic.
I can't believe you did FOUR. We did one and it took forever, plus doesn't look nearly as cool.
Love the picture too -- what a neat effect.
Very cool....
When your kids have children of their own, you should totally bring up how you spent all of those hours working on those pumpkins. Especially around Mother's Day, your Birthday and Christmas time! heehee. You might REALLY get something good then.:-)
And yes, I don't blame you for laughing. WHen I told a friend of mine years ago, she started laughing so hard she was crying. And she said, "Lisa, I'm sorry you got hurt. But its so funny. I mean, only YOU could get hurt in such a stupid way!" She had a point. But yes... Red tape at its finest.
First off,totally enjoying your blog. You are one funny mofo.
Secondly,you're making us unartistic moms looks bad! Sheesh. I've always counted myself lucky if I could get through one really screwed up looking pumpkin without slicing my finger(s) off.
Ladies, Ladies, While I would like to say that I just whipped these designs out of my ass and carved a pumpkin - I gotta admit - they are stencils. You tape the designs on the pumpkin and trace them and then cut them. They even sell little special small knives for this purpose in the kit.
And one dad last night told me he loved the bat and I began to tell him how I'd disabled the bat and then realized that I was carrying on an inappropriately LONG conversation with a Trick or Treater's father, whom I did not know. Get out much Dawn?
Alas, my secret is revealed
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