What type of person works at this desk?

Monday, October 31, 2005

I have always found the things that people display at their desks to be wildly interesting. I contend that if one looks hard enough, One can really see the secret of their co-workers souls in what can be found on their desks.

(I exclude the "cat people", "beanie baby", or "excessively optimistic saying's" people. There is nothing to be had from their souls. They have crossed over)

So here, gentle readers, is a shot of what is on my desk. Behold. I have looked and it is dark indeed.

9 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Judging by the contents, I'd have to go with "one bad-ass motherfucker."

V said...

hmmm...could i borrow that "grow a sugar daddy"? i want a house. and i'm thinkin' a retarded millionaire is the only way i'm gonna get it in this decade!
my desk has lots of socks on it! i hadn't even noticed myself!

Anonymous said...

Heh. I couldn't agree more about the beanie babies. In general, stuffed animals as a design statement are very, very suspect.

I have nothing at my desk. The one adornment? A wedding picture. The rest is all work-related (schedules, etc). This is probably a sign that I am utterly dead inside. I'm ok with that.

Anonymous said...

I think someone needs the "hang in there" kitten poster.

Table4Five said...

Um, do you have your own office? Because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to have that "f is for f***" card in most cubicles!

Mrs. Ca said...

Wow...I just realized what my desk says about me - no personality and too much time on her hands (not too many decorations except two oragami swans made out of old documents). I think I need to fancy it up a bit around here!

Anonymous said...

I posted a comment earlier, but Blogger apparently ate it.

My husband used to have a "wall of stupidity" at our old, shared workplace where he'd post stupid memos issued by management, or other bizarre things. My favorite was when they sent a paper memo to everyone in the organization (~3,000 people)-- on colored, heavy cardstock -- where they reminded people to conserve paper and use recycling wherever possible. Doh!

Isabel said...

I think it looks great....

My desk...nothing. At all. Except a grainy picture I printed from the Internet of Logan from "Veronica Mars". So, my desk says "a 15 year old girl works here!"

Too bad I'm 30!

Allison said...

I'm impressed by how organized it looks. My desk always has great big piles of stuff on it.

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