An editorial admission from the very white girl

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It has come to my attention that I have recently printed less than accurate information. We here at balefulregards want to only bring you the highest level of journalistic integrity, so in an effort to maintain full disclosure, it seems as if I was incorrect.

This error revolves around my "Numero Uno for "How to make a shank"" post.

While I remain Numero Uno for those search term, I have been leading readers astray. During a rather alcohol soaked discussion, I was informed that one does not "make" a shank. That I was revealing my very white upbringing by using these terms incorrectly and that as the wife of a black man, I must make amends and correct this information.

One makes a "Shiv". Apparently the device used to stab someone in prison is a "shiv". The act of stabbing someone with the "shiv" is " shanking" or "to shank".

Noun = "shiv"
Verb = "shank"

So, searchers for the "shank" - you are incorrect. You are looking for how to make a "shiv". You are, in point of fact, looking to "shank" someone with a "shiv".

Again, for all shanking information, I would direct you to the Fox network show "Prison Break". Someone gets it at least every week - or go rent the HBO series "OZ". In a freaky conincidence of fate, we saw the gentleman who plays the cell mate "Sucre" out at Universal with his family.

And so I leave you, enlightened.

14 Baleful Regards:

mamatulip said...

You learn something new every day.

MrsFortune said...

Oh, I loved Oz. What a great show. Prison Break, not so much, but I'm just not into drama these days. But when I think of all the times I misused those terms (shiv/shank), all I can say is THANKS DAWN!

j.sterling said...

LMFAO- well right on. now we know. although i think i knew this before because i'm psychotic. I LOVE PRISON BREAK!

Anonymous said...

Oz gave me the shivers. Prison break. Haven't watched it. I always thought a shank was a penis.

What the hell do I know?

Anonymous said...

I thought a shank was a cut of meat.

Does this mean you are home from the mecca of the wrongly clothed?

Lisa said...

Thanks for that valuable bit of info. If I ever shank someone with a shiv, I'll know to use the terms corrently when I plead innocent in a court of law. heehee.

Cristina said...

Man, and just yesterday I was telling this store clerk to go shiv herself. I guess I should have said go shank yourself.

Lena said...

I was really hoping you would clear this up Dawn. No member of Phi Delta Badass should confuse the verb and the noun in gettin respect. ;)

Julie Marsh said...

I thought the noun was shiv. But who was I to correct the wife of a black man who really ought to know what she's talking about?

Diana said...

I'm the opposite of wordgirl, I knew shank but not shiv.
Someone got shanked at my high school graduation. Right in the middle of the M's. True story.

Anonymous said...

no inadvertant search for "how to make a skank"? cuz that would make for some interestin readin.

Mommygoth said...

You know, as soon as you said "shiv", I was like "yeah, that's right, that's it", but before that? I was totally with you, I knew what you meant when you said how to make a shank.

Fraulein N said...

I love learning! Cue "The More You Know" music...

Anonymous said...

According to Wikipedia, a shiv and shank can be interchangeable, but if you want absolute accuracy, a shiv was once made from the shank of a boot (a metal piece). So, shank is also a noun.

And don't apologize for being white. It isn't racist to be OK or even proud to be white.

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