6:00 a.m. - First attempt to get me out of bed to look for easter basket.
6:01 a.m. - Unkind words are said regarding both the basket AND the hour of the morning.
6:45 a.m. - Question regarding if "this" is a better time to go out and find the basket is fielded.
6:46 a.m.- Idea rebuffed.
7:00 a.m. - Tactics have changed. Attempts to engender father in campaign to find easter basket. Wakes him up - since he is sleeping on the couch.
7:01 a.m. - He is a bit kinder with the words, and suggests that she find the basket and "Bring it into the bedroom to open with Mommy."
7:02 a.m. - My eyes open and I think some very mean things about my spouse. I believe there are several names silently called as well.
7:03 a.m. - A basket filled with so many things it requires two trips to carry it all in is launched on my lap. Things are being ripped open and shoved under my bleary eyes to admire.I attempt to find my glasses so I can see what I am looking at.I knock them off the table.
7:23 a.m - Four boxes of new playmobil are ripped open and dumped on my barely coherent self. Demands to assemble the "fishing poles" are uttered.
7:24 a.m. - 2nd visit about the "fishing poles". Apparently I an not moving fast enough. Terrance wanders from the living room and sits on the bed next to me. "In other words, you ain't movin fast enough be-yatch."
8:15 a.m. - All Playmobil pirates are assembled. Ahoy Matey. I deliver them to the living room.
8:22 a.m. - I write this post. My hatred for fictional characters is mounting.
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12 Baleful Regards:
Surprisingly, we had a little reprieve from the earliest Easter morning ever -- Mimi slept until 7:30. However, by 7:33, all the eggs were opened and jelly bean consumption had begun.
I think Vlad the Impaler should pay a visit to Playmobile Pirate Village.
And I think you should go back to bed for a lovely mid-morning nap now that the pirates are all assembled.
Happy Easter!
I am hiding in the bathroom from my children and reading this and cracking up. Our house is currently a sugar meth lab. I feel you, sista.
My kid is so jacked up on chocolate eggs...she's gonna come down, hard.
Sugar sugar sugar. However weirdly enough we hada pirate theme Easter here in VT. Complete with a huge jolly roger pirate flag.
Ahah! Herein lies one of the distinct advantages of being a Jew - all of our holidays start at night. Read: there is NO occasion that requires parents get out of bed early to open up presents and/or sugar up our kids. Wanna convert?
See, here's what I do... When the boy is sleeping, I load up his basket with the main toy, a few Hot Wheels cars, some opened fruit snacks and about four jellybeans as well as a juice box. Course I am hoping that he will wake up, eat the food, drink the juice and play with all of his crap in his room by himself while I sleep.
It buys me about 20 minutes of time. Then when he comes into the bedroom, I tell him that its too early -- he has to either go back to bed or play in his room. So goes back to his room. This, of course is the beauty of having a child who can't tell time and abhors the thought of going back to bed. (This usually buys me another 30 minutes.)
I know exactly what you mean about silently thinking angry thoughts at your honey because he doesn't want to be bothered with hyped up child. Thank you for sharing. Its good to know I'm not the only one who does this... heehee
Sounds like just the Easter organized religion intended. ;)
Hope the rest of your day was spent lazily ...with cool feet.
Arrrrgh! Would ye happen to have any Cadbury cream eggs, matey?
It's hard to look for eggs with only one eye, ye see...
We are horrible at carrying out any type of Easter tradition.
I took the girls to an egg hunt yesterday, but today? Rigel and I slept in while the girls wandered in every five minutes to ask if they could crack open another plastic egg. I think we finally woke up at 10 eggs - I mean 10 o'clock.
I can hardly believe that she allowed 45 entire minutes between the first and second wakeup attempts.
my sister asked her kid as she woke her up, "so Sar, think the easter bunny came?" and she looked out her window and said, "naw, he's not here yet."
Apparently lots of refined sugar turned her into a bit of an asshole. Kate had to ask, "sarah, what is WITH you today?" and sarah responded, "What's with YOU?"
At some point her butt got swatted.
that was my comment - apprently blogger is on a lot of refined sugar as well.
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