Why the "balefulregards?”
Here is the origin of this:

See the creature? Yeah. That’s me. 95% of the time. Trying to mind my business without someone poking me with a stick. But look -there they are those damn kids. Coming to put me in a bucket. CURSES! Little Bastards.
Do you see the little shoe charm on the side? It keeps my shoes safe from bad shoe mojo!
And some will recall when I showed you the “What type of person works at this desk” part one. Here is part two. Please note that baby Jesus IS holding an armless mermaid. Yes, That IS “Bad Ass Gum” and let us all hail the glory of the “F is for Fuck” magnet.
The bottles of faux liquor were bought by Robert who paid a very high market rate for such craftsmanship. “Old Master De Fai” is my favorite of them all. It sounds like it is the urine from an old unkempt karate master. The others are hidden around my desk. I don't want to look like a lush or anything. And Oh yeah, Jesus keeps my cubicle sin Stench-free with the fragrance of "altar flowers". I'm going to hell, meet me there?

And here is a side shot – You can see my ever-growing stack of CD’s. I like to rock out while I work. Ok maybe not to the Natalie Merchant CD, but I have all my Ben Folds there…and The Smiths...and well, Ok, maybe not so rockin! Yes, dammit. That is 48 ounces of coffee. I like the coffee. A lot. I drink one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You can also see my authentic Mardi Gras beads hanging on Pooh. And no, I am not answering the question..I'll let you wonder if I showed them or not.

Maybe I will grow the sugar daddy soon, in stop time photography, so we can all get a look at our next husbands…..
Psst - check out over on the side bar...Do you see it? Yeah, it's true. I AM speaking at Blogher.
22 Baleful Regards:
Congratulations on your speaking gig! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on blogs and women and such...
Mmm. Smells like Jesus.
I'll be hanging with ya in hell. Also, I like your style. (Roo: "Smells like Jesus" Ha!)
Congratulations for the Blogher speaking set-up! Holy cow.
I love your work space, Dawn. And I'm looking forward to hearing you. I promise not to heckle you - that is if I'm recovered from the cocktail party and my jet lag. :)
Thanks for clearing up the mystery of baleful regards. I love that illustration and will be checking out the book on Amazon.
Your desk rocks! The only thing missing is a "Buddy Christ", from the movie Dogma. You can buy one here:http://www.jayandsilentbob.com/budchrisdass1.html I think it would be the perfect addition to your collection.
P.S. Will you do me a teensy favor and do the 6 Weird Things About Me Meme? I tagged you tonight. Thanks ever so much.
These are great. What are we going to do when you leave that stinkin job? You'll have to set up some sort of remote feed so we can continue to see the evolution of Jesus' Workspace.
(looking forward to seeing you speak at BlogHer. I'll try not to flash my ta-tas back at you.)
I have Edward Gorey at my desk too! Also Wonder Woman and a creepy jack in the box.
Hey, I never promised "I'll be sober and clothed when I speak at Blogher 06"
and when Sarcastic Journalist congratulated me a while back ( look at me name dropping, sooooo gauche)
I promised her I would attempt to start a race riot.
And thanks for the wishes. I've known for a while but didn't want to make a big hoo-ha out of it, since I think every single one of us should be speaking, because frankly, we rock the party that rocks the partay.
"F is for fuck" -- I love that.
God. I wish I were going to BlogHer now.
Love the desk toys, love Edward Gorey (we're teaching Thalia the alphabet through the Gashlycrumb Tinies, which may not be the best idea, come to think of it), and LOVE that you are speaking at Blog Her. I'll be the geek in the front row sitting up really straight and taking notes and asking lots of questions.
(I also love being spicy.)
Congrats on the BlogHer gig! I so wish I could go, but unfortunately I'll be stuck in the humid bugs-the-size-of-Cadillacs south counting inventory for my job. But you'd better post, with pictures, and running commentary, and streaming video... God I wanna go, whine whine. F is for ffffuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!
Damn it I wish I were going to meet all of you in person! Phooey!
yes, yes,can we get any crumbs of what you're sharing at BlogHer Dawn??? I'll beg if I have to!
I rmember this desk! Good times. You and DCo. always had the best desks. I can only aspire to such cube coolness.
Hee, "Old Master De Fai." Congrats on the speaking gig; I wish I could be there to see it.
I am so proud of you, roomie. I'll even let you practice your presentation aloud in our room if you want, after much wine is consumed of course.
I love this post and I'm probably going to steal your idea sometime soon... The cartoon is awesome and strangely, I am listening to Songs for Silverman, RIGHT NOW. Coincidence? I think not.
Love all your crappydoodles! I have a bunch of stuff like that that I used to keep on my desk. There are too many grabby hands around here so my genuine Mexican devil doll and miniature penis eraser now live in a "my box of cool stuff"
PS: What are you speaking about at BlogHer???
And you have The Smiths? You must be fabulous :)
Dawn, would you please tell the BlogHer honchos that your session CANNOT be up against the Mommyblogger session? That's patently unfair. Attendance at the Mommyblogger session will suffer.
And I miss my dashboard Jesus. But my new quest is to get a picture of a Jesus Fish Family to post as part of my "one-year-in-CO" anniversary post.
Awww, now I am really sad that I am not going to BlogHer.
You should video your talk and put it on your site. And then I'll put a picture up on my site of me in one of your t-shirts (when I get around to buying one, after I am done spending all of my money on spring clothes for the boy and my garden), looking as though I am listening intently. And then it will almost be like I went ;)
BTW I never thought your URL was much of a mystery. Seemed to fit your personality perfectly. But it's neat to see the actual source!
Ooh, I need one of those F is for Fuck magnets for my desk at work. It would shockingly clash with all the subdued decor here -- my coworkers have given me things like a kitty/doggie calendar, Scooby Doo valentine, and Precious Moments sculpture (KID YOU NOT) as little gifts, and being the nice chick that I am, I have them displayed. But SO NOT ME. Your decor is much more my style...
I cannot wait to hear you speak at BlogHer. You're going to have your own fan club in the room.
Congrats on Blogher! Now I may HAVE to go!!!
Love the office.
You gals crack my ass up.
I am speaking on "Race and Identity in an online world" - or something like that.
And Yes, they put me up next to Finslippy? Sheee-it. But IIIIII want to see finslippy. MEEEEE!!!!!
I was all "god damn it" when I saw the schedule. I'll get the mommyblogger player haters.
I soooo wish I was going to Blogher!
My favorite bumper-sticker of all time...
Read a Fucking Book!
Love the office photo!
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