Do two dont's make a do?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

These are two phrases which have had an abundance of use this week:

"Don't Lick THAT!"


"Don't drink that Water!!"

I will leave the rest to your imaginations.

10 Baleful Regards:

Lisa said...

Oy! I think I have an idea....

I often have to say things like, 'Child, why did you think it was ok go to to grandma's commando?"

Table4Five said...

My new favorite phrase which is on heavy repeat is "don't let the baby chew on THAT!"

Welcome back. Missed ya.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! And for the record, I thought 'shank' was something to make a stew out of.

Dawn said...

Hey guys- I'm not back yet. But this morning, I did say "Do not come out of that room naked again."

halloweenlover said...

Don't lick that!

EWWWWWW. Can't wait to hear these stories.

Julie Marsh said...

Weeeeelllll, if these two phrases are being used in combination, I'm really concerned that they might have something to do with the toilet.

Or more likely, a skeevy public water fountain. Please tell me it's the water fountain.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds a little bit like you have my 18-month-old traveling with you. ;-)

Fraulein N said...

Eeeww, skeevy public water fountains. With inexpicably brown "water."


Cristina said...

The one I use a lot is "don't eat that"--a variation on "don't lick that". My son is 10 months and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. Eww.

Anonymous said...

Dude - what has Terrance been getting into?

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