Big Audio Dynamite

Sunday, May 14, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Yeah. This is me. Talk about "phoning the shit in"...

Don't forget - The Gimlet Eye

Don't make me take the phone sex gig....

9 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

Ah!! So cool to hear your voice. I was grinning throughout listening to you.

I have some of my school papers from college, high school, and middle school. I need to weed too. I'm not a complete packrat, about half and half. but the packrat half kills me.

I wonder if the apple-cinnamon septic scent is marketable? ;-)

Table4Five said...

I loved it. You're as funny when you're speaking as you are in writing. I cracked up at Belle going all jiggy on your ass once you closed your eyes.

So that's what a New Hampshire accent sounds like, huh? It's a lot like Michigan's, I think. You can hear a little recording of me on my post from Saturday (gratuitous blog plug).

Jaelithe said...

"If I don't see it, it's not happening" is my motto of the week. Thank you :)

mamatulip said...

You've got a great voice. And a great laugh.

And yes -- out of sight, out of mind. Hope it doesn't get too bad there.

Anonymous said...

You give good phone. I, on the other hand, have a TERRIBLE phone voice. You voice also sounds higher than I imagined (when you read, you assign certain voices with each writer, and yours was lower to me).

Did you happen to sleep on any Polly Pockets?

Anonymous said...

I was here earlier but didn't get to comment because the baby woke up. Anyway, didn't want to not tell you that I enjoyed your audio message. You're funny as hell even when you talk and you're voice is so...nice!

PS Have you checked your basement yet? I was thinking of you when I heard the news this morning.

Diana said...

Hmmm...Septic Cinnamon. They should totally market that.
You have a nice voice. (I hate mine)
I hope your basement wasn't so bad...if you did ever make it down there "just to see"

Anonymous said...

Damn you crack me up. My last day of work is June 14, so we can count it down together. I've been marking my calendar for two weeks already.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, you are so funny. Listening to you was like listening to myself. Not that I think I'm that funny. Oh hell, forget I said that. Just remember the part where I said I liked hearing your voice.

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