This b*tch has fabulous ankles. Still.
I feel alittle better about life after reading your blog every day... :)
We have this set. I keep finding those damn wine bottles in places they shouldn't be: baby's mouth, silverware drawer, dog's kennel, baby's diaper...But I love Playmobile! Kids' toys, made for moms who love tiny plastic replications of pineapple, cameras and brushes.
What I want to know is: who's that vandal who's written her tag (Emil y is it?) in giant letters on the store wall?
How is it possible that you are as nice as you are *and* as eye-crossingly funny, all at the same time?I can barely believe you have ever deigned to visit my pad, you're so cool. you should be untouchable.p.s. did I mention, I would like to plant a big kiss on your derierre? I mean that in the most not-to-be-actually-realized-ever kind of way.p.s.s. maybe no I hsould have any more on the wine. 3 maybe4 cupsfulls is/are my limits. ssss shuld i asave you any. nevrmind itsall gone. by!
What are those toys and where can I get some so I can have my son play with them and I can corrupt them by blogging funny shit about them on my blog. I'm such a copy cat. Lildb, you are too funny.
Where DO I find that? Clearly a toy more meant for Mom than Madge.
I don't know much about kids toys, but I'm going to assume it took you a really long time to set that up. I hope you had wine.
So glad I'm not the only one who plays with their kids' toys after they go to bed.
You always have all sorts of trouble brewing in the playroom at your house.I am surprised about the Playmobile wine bottles too. I need to buy myself one of those sets to play with.And I'm loving lildb's comment. :-)
Nothing frightens me more that crazed drunken Playmobile people, with their freaky u-shaped hands and dead dead eyes! AAAAAAAAAAAA!
I just realized all your Play-friends are doing the zeig heil. Damn drunk Nazi IKEA vandals.
Ikea riots...lololololololol
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13 Baleful Regards:
I feel alittle better about life after reading your blog every day... :)
We have this set. I keep finding those damn wine bottles in places they shouldn't be: baby's mouth, silverware drawer, dog's kennel, baby's diaper...
But I love Playmobile! Kids' toys, made for moms who love tiny plastic replications of pineapple, cameras and brushes.
What I want to know is: who's that vandal who's written her tag (Emil y is it?) in giant letters on the store wall?
How is it possible that you are as nice as you are *and* as eye-crossingly funny, all at the same time?
I can barely believe you have ever deigned to visit my pad, you're so cool. you should be untouchable.
p.s. did I mention, I would like to plant a big kiss on your derierre? I mean that in the most not-to-be-actually-realized-ever kind of way.
p.s.s. maybe no I hsould have any more on the wine. 3 maybe4 cupsfulls is/are my limits. ssss shuld i asave you any. nevrmind itsall gone. by!
What are those toys and where can I get some so I can have my son play with them and I can corrupt them by blogging funny shit about them on my blog. I'm such a copy cat.
Lildb, you are too funny.
Where DO I find that?
Clearly a toy more meant for Mom than Madge.
I don't know much about kids toys, but I'm going to assume it took you a really long time to set that up. I hope you had wine.
So glad I'm not the only one who plays with their kids' toys after they go to bed.
You always have all sorts of trouble brewing in the playroom at your house.
I am surprised about the Playmobile wine bottles too. I need to buy myself one of those sets to play with.
And I'm loving lildb's comment. :-)
Nothing frightens me more that crazed drunken Playmobile people, with their freaky u-shaped hands and dead dead eyes! AAAAAAAAAAAA!
I just realized all your Play-friends are doing the zeig heil. Damn drunk Nazi IKEA vandals.
Ikea riots...lololololololol
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