Friday Fun with Toys

Thursday, May 18, 2006

With Barbie behind bars, Tink was pretty sure no one would figure out that she was the one who took out Ken. The dude was a hard core fairy dust addict and she was sick of him shaking her down all the time.

Don't forget to visit me at Gimlet Eye...

10 Baleful Regards:

Table4Five said...

...When Disney Princesses go Bad...

Lena said...

Ken "shaking her down". Ahh...HAHAHAHAHA!

Dawn, are you drinking again?

Anonymous said...

Is that a shiv Tink's holding? Or is it a shank? I've forgotten already.

Added Gimlet Eye to my blogroll. Must keep Dawn "in the money".

E. said...

It's always the little blond ones you have to watch out for...

Mom101 said...

aw, she just needs to accept that he's gay. It's not an attack on her personally; it's just who he is. Inside.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's an evil look she's got. Not sure I'll be able to sleep now. (shudders)

mamatulip said...

She's probably just on the rag. ;)

Anonymous said...

I KNEW she had a dark side... Remember how possessive she was of Peter Pan? Mmmhmm.

Morris said...

The guy from prison break is gay.

Mr. Morris
Ask Morris

city dweller said...

I love me so Wentworth Miller. But the name has got to go. He a hottie.

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