A story which must be told...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

to be believed.

this is an audio post - click to play

Updated to add:
I wanted to give you photos of how close our bedrooms are to one another. For me, it only heightens the hilarity of the whole thing.... I mean, who can fall for "I'm scared" when we are inches away from each other?

And who made it into my bed at 1 a.m. last night? Queen Ninja Badass herself...

17 Baleful Regards:

Anonymous said...

WOW. That's all I can really say right now -- WOW.

She is a pistol. With emphasis on the "piss."

Anonymous said...

Mine would be laying in her pee bed too. I have a feeling my daughter may enjoy similar antics, although she won't even sleep if she gets in our bed.

Mom101 said...

That is one feisty, strong-willed little girl--just how I like 'em. I can only congratulate you in that regards.

BTW you're an amazing story teller. I'd have um'd and er'd like a hundred times in that story.

Cristina said...

Tooooo funny! Anyone who is willing to pee themselves to make a point is definitely one strong-willed person. That trait will serve her well in life!

And I'm glad you have such a good sense of humor and you're taking it all in stride. That's awesome.

mamatulip said...

I'm so glad you told that story rather than typed it. I felt like a kid in a candy store...I was gasping and "Oh no she didn't"-ing right along with you. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I love it when people post and add audio. My son Jeremy is strong willed too. It is supposed to be a good thing later on, they will be less likely to respond to peer pressure...doesn't exactly help now though.

I would have to say that I probably would have done the same thing. But I would have freaked out more...sounds like you handled it well. And with parenting you definitely need a sense of humor!!

Lisa said...

Oh Man! I need to get my speakers hooked up. I'm dying to hear this story! Must be GOOD.

Table4Five said...

I'm so glad you recorded that! Listening to you laugh at your own story was the icing on the cake. She's a badass, all right. Hope you and Terrance both had a drink after that!

Marcie said...

Are you having anymore?
You can't argue with that, she did do what Daddy told her! We know who wears the pants (with the mighty cute shoes)!

Sugarmama said...

Holy crap! She kept y'all awake screaming for 4 hours?! I would've either been in tears after the first hour, or someone would've gotten an ass whippin'! (And we don't do ass whippin's normally.) She must come by her bad-assedness honestly.

It was nice to hear your voice, by the way. You sound right smart.

Dawn said...

Am I having anymore? Marcie - are you smoking crack? Do you see the demon seed I produce? Terrance had his stuff snipped in November. We thought about it when she was one, but it was just going down hill and we knew when to say when.

Sadly, I think the reason I find it funny is that she is Very like me in many regards. I always tell him that I NEVER worry about her being a victim of some boyfriend. In fact, I considered taking any potential life partners aside and very seriously counseling them about what they were planning to do.

As Terrance's mother took me aside and said "Are you sure you want to swim in this gene pool?". Both genetic sides are rather badass, I fear.

Today she said to me "Well, I won't do THAT again..."

E. said...

That is so feline. She must be part cat. (And I say this as a cat person and one who believes that all cats are pretty damned bad-ass, even a dorky one like my beast.)

Jaelithe said...

Why do I have the feeling a scene eerily similar to the one you describe is somewhere in my own not-so-distant future?

Imagine if someone gathered a small army of Emilys . . .

An army of kids who can not only survive sleeping four hours a night and eating nothing but plain crackers for months at a time, but who can actually manage feats of keen strategy on such a regimen . . .

How quickly they would conquer the world!

As long as no one figured out that the entire army could be driven to tears by the sight of a large bowl of spaghetti with tomato sauce, that is ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes. I pity the man/woman/child who crosses/challenges/cuts in front of Emily. She's primed for a life of saying what she means, standing up for herself and questioning authority.

And you know how people LOVE that...

Well, I love it. I don't know about the rest of the jokers out there.

Anonymous said...

I guess this answers the "To pee or not to pee, that is the question" question.

And the answers is always, ALWAYS "Not to pee."

Andrea said...

I hate that I'm going to have to wait until I get home to hear this. We don't have soundcards on our computers at work so I'll trudge through the day and then hurry home to hear the latest Emily escapade. Jaelithe's comment made me laugh, with the army of Emilys. Youch!

Diana said...

I see why you told this story rather than wrote it, it defenitly had me laughing out loud...that girl is baaaad-aaaassssss!!!
Very strong character.
And how the hell did you go four hours listening to her cry? Like sugarmama, I would have been in tears and kickin ass...(which is why my son still sleeps with me. Yup, I give in.)

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