What makes me laugh

Thursday, May 18, 2006

In case you ever wondered what type of thing ( aside from gnomes) makes me laugh so hard that I cry, I offer you Feral Mom.

I swear to god, she can hear the soundtrack in my head....And the swearing, the sweet, sweet swearing.

Go here first...

Then here.

Tell me you didn't pee a little...

5 Baleful Regards:

Kristin said...

Thanks for the link because those were GREAT!!

Feral Mom said...

Right back at ya, Dawn! I am flattered that I make you leak urine too. Add gnomes and a few horny leprechauns into the mix, and I know this is the start of something beautiful. Thanks for the shout out and the link!

Fraulein N said...

Oh my DAMN, I should not have checked that out while at work. As Eddie Murphy once said of Richard Simmons, it's at least "a two drop of pee guarantee."

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell a lie. but I wish I would've listened to you, 'cause I would've fastened some of my kid's nighttime diapers around my crotch before visiting missy feral. jeebus.

that's some crazy-hilarious shit.

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. god. Too funny.

I am a bit scared to go to bed now, though, because my cat Casi looks a lot like Smokey...

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